Lasting Results Begins When....
You Change The Roots instead of the Fruit
Believe it or not, it was from reading T.Harv Eker, "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth"
that I discovered, you do not fix a problem by looking at the problem, you fix the problem by getting to the root of the problem.
The problem that I am working on fixing is "Increasing my financial wealth". The root of the problem is my relationship with money.
After reading T. Harv Eker's "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth",
I discovered that the problem was not my spending habits but the true problem was the root of my spending habits which is "I was mimicking what I saw my mother doing (her relationship with money)".
My mother's attitude towards money was "You only live once and you should use money to enjoy yourself". So as an adult, I subconsciously was following what it was that I saw her doing. I used money for enjoyment and that was leaving me broke.
Now, that I am able to recognize "Why, I do what I do" I can make the much needed changes by creating new thoughts regarding money and new habits to go along with those new thoughts.
After reading T. Harv Eker's "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth",
My mother's attitude towards money was "You only live once and you should use money to enjoy yourself". So as an adult, I subconsciously was following what it was that I saw her doing. I used money for enjoyment and that was leaving me broke.
Now, that I am able to recognize "Why, I do what I do" I can make the much needed changes by creating new thoughts regarding money and new habits to go along with those new thoughts.
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