
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: Free Stress Reducing Activities

Stress Management Tips

Working more than one job, raising a family, starting a new business, going to college etc. can be very stressful especially if you are juggling more than one of these activities at a time. It can be even more stressful trying to find affordable activities that you can do to relax from your busy schedule. Two activities that I do that helps me to relax and release stress are: 1) Exercise and 2) Write.

#1 Exercise

Walking is a great way to release stress and it is free. When I walk, I find parks that have beautiful scenery. I normally walk at a comfortable pace and enjoy the colors of the leaves as the season causes their leaves to change. I live in the "now" by not concentrating on all of the things that I have to do in the near future. Instead I enjoy feeling the breeze as it blows against my body and the wind as it moves across the leaves on the trees. I take time to smell the flowers and listen to the birds as they communicate as well as the other animals of nature. I use my time walking to silence my mind and listen to God to speak to me.

#2 Writing

I write as a way of releasing stress. I use to stay in the house all of the time, now I make it a point to get out. Instead of writing at home I go to places that have a beautiful backdrop. In the region that I live in, it is the lake. I use nature as my inspiration for writing. I found that staying home added to my stress because staying home can become mundane and when you are bored you can easily get depressed or irritable. When I get out of the house and interact with other people, it keeps me busy and it is very refreshing.

Although living off of limited funds can be stressful, it has advantages because it forces you to to find creative ways to enjoy life. You can still enjoy life in spite of your circumstances but you have to decide that you are not going to live a stressful life. It is possible for you to have an abundant life with limited funds, you just have to be creative and find ways to enjoy life.


Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: 4 Ways You Can Relax and Release Your Tension

Stress and Spiritual Awareness
Whenever I am feeling stressed and I need a Mental Booster, I look at God's Beauty for spiritual inspiration and encouragement.

#1 The Sky and My Spiritual Journey

Too often I get so caught up in my life, my affairs and the stress from my job that I forget to see that there is a bigger picture at work in the world. What helps me to regain my peace and become aware of my spiritual awareness is when I look up at the sky and I see so many stars that I can not even count them or when I attempt to measure the length of the sky with my eyes but I can not because the sky stretches as far as I can see.

When I search the sky and count the stars, I am awed by God's awesomeness and I reminded that I too am a part of God's plan. In fact, my Inner Peace and my spiritual journey depends on me learning how to get in tune with God's plan for my life.

#2 The Moon and Spiritual Inspiration

Moon watching also helps me to manage my stress. I enjoy looking at the size of the moon and how it changes phases from full moon to a half moon and then to a new moon. The moon is so huge and although it seems to be so close to the earth, it is so far away. When I look at the moon and the way that this great mass is suspended in the sky I am awed. I say to myself, that their is a Higher Being that is at work in this world and this Higher Being has a good plan for me and the world.

Looking at this marvel inspires me and it helps me to regain my Inner Peace because surely you and I play a part in God's plan. In order to understand our part, we just have to slow down and hear what God is saying.

#3 Flowers and Spiritual Guidance

I love looking at flowers because they are so colorful. Whenever I have had a stressful day, I like going for a long walk in the park and admiring the different types of flowers that bloom during the different seasons. My favorite season is Fall because I get a chance to witness so many beautiful colors.

When I look at the all of the beautiful colors that God has provided for my enjoyment I am able to release my stress and focus on how awesome God is. Anything that puts my focus back on God and off of me helps me to regain my status of Inner Peace.

#4 The Ocean and Spiritual Meditation

Out of all of God's natural wonders, the ocean is my favorite because of it's roaring waves and it's smell. There is something about the ocean that captivates me! I actually go to the ocean to pray and mediate.

If you have ever been to the beach, you can bear witness that it is a marvel how the ocean roars and yet it too is under God's command. The ocean stops on point and does not cross the shore line. The ocean also helps me know that I am a part of God's plan and that God's plan is a plan of order. When I look at the ocean, I am reminded that my Inner Peace is going to be based on my ability to get in order with God's plan for my life.

When you take the time to witness God's natural beauty it will help you to maintain your Inner Peace because you are reminded that there is a Higher Power at work in your life and all you have to do is align yourself with God's plan.

More Useful Tips
3 Natural Ways To Reduce Stress


Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: Don't Answer Your Cell Phone

My Cell phone, Friends and Family

If I allow it, my cell phone can be one of my worse enemies especially when I working on maintaining my Inner Peace. You see, I do not like to talk on the telephone no longer than ten or fifteen minutes but my family and friends, on the other hand, like to stay on their cell phone for hours. They call me throughout the day wanting to talk about what is going right or wrong in their life and it can be very stressful at times.


My dilemma is "Answer my cell phone and be stressed out or do not answer my cell phone which would piss my family members off"You may be saying "Just do not answer your phone" but not answering the phone is not an easy solution because I really want to stay in touch with my family and friends but I do not want to spend a lot of time on the phone talking to them.

Well, if you are faced with a similar stressful dilemma, I have 4 things that you can do to stay in touch with your friends and family members without spending too much time on the telephone talking to them and they are: 1)Text 2) Send a multimedia message 3) Email and 4) Social media

#1 Text:

I enjoy using the text feature on my cell phone because I can check in with everyone in my circle without answering my cell phone. The text feature causes a few extra dollars on your cell phone bill but it is worth the investment because you can send and receive written messages to anyone who has the text feature on their cell phone. I usually send out "hello" or "inspirational" texts to everyone in the morning. I usually get a reply back within minutes that says something like "Thank you" or " How are you doing today?"

#2: T.V. Cellphone, Multimedia Messages:

I have a Verizon Blackberry Storm and along with the text feature, I also can send videos, pictures or sound recordings. This is a great feature for staying in touch with people who you have not seen in a while. My sister, who lives far away, use this multimedia feature to send me videos of my nephew who is growing fast.

# 3: Email:

If you want to send a message from your cell phone that contains more characters than texting will allow you, try sending an email. Email is another great way you can stay in touch with people. You can check your email messages from your cell phone as well, if you have that feature enabled on your phone.

#4: Social Media:

My cell phone offers me a social media application that allows me to stay in touch with my friends in real time on Facebook, Twitter and Instant Messenger. This application is great because you can send short messages, upload pictures and share information without ever answering your cell phone.

Cell Phone Plans, Cell Phone Offers, Cell Phone Features and Your Inner Peace
If you are like me and you do not like talking on the cell phone because it disturbs your inner peace then you should check out different cell phone plans, cell phone options and cell phone features that will help you reach out to your friends and family without answering your cell phone.


Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: Manage Your Anger

How To Manage Your Anger

The way that you are going to maintain a mental state of inner peace is by being peaceful and knowing how to avoid getting angry. Word of advice, just because you are working on maintaining your inner peace does not mean that people are not going to get on your nerves nor does it mean that you are never going to get upset. When you are in a situation and you feel like you are starting to get angry, you have to know how to gain control of the situation and manage your anger . Here are some tips to help you remain peaceful when someone is getting on your nerves

Anger Management Tips

4 Ways To Manage Your Anger

#1 Wait Before You Reply:
If someone is getting on your nerves and you want to give them a tongue lashing, before you do, take a minute and think about what would be an appropriate response. When you take time to wait before you reply, you will give yourself enough time to calm down and reply with a peaceful answer,

#2: Do Not Respond: When you are conversing with someone, you should make sure and wait for them to finish speaking before you make a comment. If you do not like what the other person is saying and it is making you upset, you are not obligated to respond. A better response is just smile.

#3: Stay Away From Troublemakers: Do not entertain troublemakers because troublemakers like to keep strife going. If you are around people who keep chaos going all the time, you will not have peace. Make sure that you surround yourself around peaceful people. If you can not find any peaceful people be by yourself.

#4: Smile More:
Focus on all of the things that make you smile throughout the day instead of all of the things that makes you upset. When you focus on the things that make you smile, you will smile all day instead of being angry and upset.

Anger Management Exercise
Try this exercise to help you increase the number of times you smile daily: Write a list of 50 things that makes you smile. This can be a joke, the names of special people in your life, favorite places to vacation etc. Throughout the day review at least one item from off of your list and smile.

Guess what? If you focus on all of the things that makes you smile all day long; then all day long you are smiling and if you are smiling your are experiencing inner peace and joy

Likewise, if you focus on all of the things that make you angry all day long; then you are going to be upset and frowning all day long instead of experiencing inner peace and joy.

More Anger Management Tips
Be Patient


Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: The Trick To Maintaining Your Inner Peace

The trick to maintaining your inner peace and living your life full of joy is being able to keep your mind focused only on things that make you smile. If you are always focused things on things that make you upset then more than likely you will be angry and sad all of the time. If you want to be happy then you have to continually focus on the positive things about life and the things that make you smile. Three things that you can do to help you maintain your inner peace are: 1) Focus on things that make you smile 2) Change your perspective and 3) Have a positive attitude

#1 Keep your thoughts on things that make you smile
Your emotions are a great indicator to let you know what you are focusing your thoughts on. If you focus continually on things that make you upset, then more than likely you will be angry all of the time. If you focus on things that make you smile all of the time, then you will find yourself smiling all of the time. If you want to maintain a peaceful and calm state of being, then focus on things that make you smile instead of things that make you upset.

#2 Change Your Perspective
Your perspective on life is going to determine your Inner Peace. I know that some times it may seem like life is not going your way but in order to maintain your inner peace you are going to have to dig deep and find good in your situation.

Try to find something about your situation that will make you smile, that will give you the feeling of gratitude or that will bring you peace. If you are able to smile, be grateful or be content you will be able to maintain your inner peace because you will be able to respond to your situation in a peaceful and calm manner.

#3 Have a Positive Attitude
Negative people are always stressed out because they are focused on the negative in every situation. When you are focused only on the negative, your emotions will reflect it. If you do not want to be angry and sad all of the time, then you have to make a decision that you are going to be a positive person and that you are going to see only the good in all people and in every situation. This takes practice but when you are focused on the good in all people and every situation, your emotional response will be calm and peaceful.

More Useful Tips

Expand Your Mind


Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: How To Deal With Depression

Inner Peace and Depression
I am going to put it out there, financial stress can cause you to be depressed. If you do not have enough money to take care of your basic needs (such as paying your all of your bills on time, buying food, or purchasing clothes) or enough money to do some of the things that you enjoy in life (such as taking a vacation or engaging in recreational activities) then you can easily find yourself being depressed.

The thing is, if you are depressed then you are not going to be at a state of Inner Peace and that is what this blog is about "How to maintain Inner Peace and live your life full of Joy Daily".

In this post, you are going to: 1) Get a glimpse at some of the causes of depression 2)Identify some of the signs and symptoms of depression and 3) Gain a better understanding on How To Deal With Depression.

Signs, Symptoms of Depression

What are the Signs of Depression

Your emotions are going to be your number one indicator to let you know if you are at a state of Inner Peace or if you are depressed. You may be depressed if you are experiencing these symptoms for an extended period of time.

  • #1 Symptom of Depression: Feeling sad
  • #2 Symptom of Depression: Sleeping too much
  • #3 Symptom of Depression: Not sleeping enough
  • #4 Symptom of Depression: Feeling fatigued
  • #5 Symptom of Depression: Feeling worthless:
  • #6 Symptom of Depression: Being agitated
  • #7 Symptom of Depression: Trouble concentrating

Causes of Depression:

Financial Stress can cause you to experience depression. You may depressed because:
  • #1: You Have More Bills than Money
  • #2: You are Not Being Paid Enough
  • #3: Need Better Skills
  • #4: Feeling Over Worked and Underpaid
  • #5: Unemployed
This is a small list and I am sure that you can add unlimited other possible stressful events that can cause you to be depressed but before you add to this list, I want you to know that I made this list short for a reason. The reason that the list of possible stressful events is so small is because events and situations do not cause you to be stressed nor do they cause you to be depressed. Your stress and depression is based in part on how you are responding or reacting to your perceived stressful situation.

Inner Peace: Dealing With Depression

How To Deal With Stress and Depression
One possible way that you can deal with stress, over come your depression and return to your mental state of peace is by dealing directly with the issues that you face. I would suggest that you make a list and identify precisely what it is exactly that you are perceiving as being a stressful.

If you are depressed because you do not liking your present job, then you should:
  • Developing a Plan of Action: If you want a better paying job, start your own business or change careers, then you are going to have to plan it out. When you develop your plan of action you have to make sure that you set reasonable goals and a time to achieve your goals
If you are experiencing symptoms of stress and you are depressed because you spend more money than you make then you may need to:
  • Learn how to Budget
  • Seek Counseling
  • Take courses to help you learn how to manage your finances
More Tips: How To Deal With Depression
Cope With Stress: Write a Plan


Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: 3 Natural Remedies For Stress

Stress Control, Stress Management and Stress Reduction Techniques

Three natural remedies that you can do to reduce stress and relax when you are feeling stressed, angry or just plain ole sick and tired of being sick and tired are: 1)Take a warm bubble bath 2) Aroma Therapy and 3) Listen to Music

#1: Natural Remedy For Stress: Take a Warm Bubble Bath

My favorite tool to help me calm down after a hectic or a stressful day is to take a warm bubble bath. I also like to place candles along side the tub. If I am really feeling like treating myself I sprinkle rose pedals in the water as well.I don't stop there!

Before I get into the tub, I place my favorite soft drink beverage , which is a "Vault", in a chilled wine glass and I turn on my favorite "Oldie but music CD. Then I relax for about a half hour.It never fails, after I finish taking my warm bubble bath I am focused and back to my peaceful and calm self.

#2 Natural Remedy For Stress : Aroma Therapy

Stress, Anxiety and Depression Remedy
Oils from plants can actually calm you down when you are under a lot of stress and help to bring you back to a relaxed state of mind. You just take the essential oil and dip it in cotton and inhale.

To treat stress, anxiety, tension or mental fatigue try one or a combination of the following:
  • Chamomile: Reduce stress, Anger and Anxiety
  • Clary Sage: Useful for relaxing, Depression, Anger and Anxiety
  • Lavender: Release and relieves stress, Anger, Anxiety, Depression
  • Geranium : Reduce stress, Anger, Anxiety and Nervous Tension
  • Frank Incense: : Anger, Anxiety and Nervous Tension
  • Juniper Berry : Anxiety and Anger
  • Basil : Anger, Anxiety, Depression
  • Jasmine: Anger and Anxiety

#3 Natural Remedy For Stress: Listen To Music

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A stress reduction exercise you can do to help you reduce your stress is to build a list of calm music. Music helps you to reduce stress and anxiety by helping you to calm down when you are agitated.

Stress Reduction Exercise : Build A List of Calm Music

1. Start paying attention to how the music you listen to affects your mood
2. Check your mood before you begin listening, while you are listening and after you listen to the music
3. Make a list of all of the music that you listen to that is calm and relaxing
4. Upload those songs on your Ipod or make a CD

More Useful Tips
Count Slowly


Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tips: PowerPoint Presentation on Perseverence

Inner Peace And Joy Power Point Presentation

A very important role in maintaining your mental state of peace and experiencing joy daily is being able to persevere. Perseverance is necessary because you are going to face challenges in life, but you can not stay discouraged. I believe in God and I trust that God bring us through all trials if we can just hold on

When you are a person who Perseveres you:
1. Believe in something Higher than yourself
2. Pray
3.Do not look at your circumstances but sets your eyes on what is to come.
4. Do not give up, you stick it through even through the rough times
5. Optimistic. Believes that things will get better,

More Useful Tips
Have a Positive Attitude


Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: 16 False Beliefs About Anger

Anger is neither good nor bad. The way that you express your anger can be good or bad.

16 False Beliefs About Anger
  1. It is not okay to feel angry
  2. Anger is a waste of time and energy
  3. Good, nice people do not get angry
  4. We should not feel angry when we do
  5. We will lose control and go crazy if we get angry
  6. People will go away if we get angry at them
  7. Other people should never feel angry towards us
  8. If others get angry at us, we made them feel that way and we are responsible for fixing their feelings
  9. If we feel angry at someone else, they made us feel that way and they have to go away
  10. If we feel angry at someone we should punish that person for making us feel that way
  11. If we feel angry at someone that person has to change what he or she is doing so that we do not feel angry anymore
  12. If we feel angry, we have to hit someone or break something
  13. If we feel angry we have to shout or scream
  14. If someone feels angry at someone it means we do not love the person anymore
  15. If someone feels angry at us, it means that person does not love us anymore
  16. Anger is a sinful emotion

When I Get Angry, I usually do what....
Get even
Talk to a friend
Ignore it
Take a drive
Hit somebody
Throw things
Do nothing
Exercise free polls


Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: 4 Things You Can Do To Help You To Remain Calm

Your emotions are going to be your number one indicator to let you know if you are at a state of inner peace or if you are at a state of dis-ease.When you are stressed, angry, depressed, sad etc. you are in opposition of feeling calm, joyful and peaceful. Once you recognize that you are not experiencing a state of Inner Peace, then you have to be responsible for taking the necessary steps to position yourself back in to a peaceful state of being. I have listed four things that you can do to calm down when you are feeling stressed. They are: 1)Play Cards 2) Write 3) Go for a walk and 4) Listen to Mellow Music

#1 Play Cards

One of the reasons why you may be experiencing stress is because you are focusing your thoughts on the stressful event. If you want to calm down and return to a peaceful state of being then you must change what you are focusing on. Playing cards is a great activity to help you change what you are focusing on because when you are playing cards you are concentration on the activity and not on what it is that is stressing you out.

#2 Write

If you are a person who likes to write then you should try writing down your feelings when you are feeling stressed, angry or sad. Writing out your feelings on paper is a great way to release your negative energy in a positive way. You can also try blogging or as a means of expressing yourself. Squidoo is a free and fun site that allows you build a web page and write about whatever your interests are.

Build Your Free Web Page on Squidoo

#3 Go For A Walk
Walking is another way that you can release negative energy in a positive way. The great thing about walking is that you can bring along your ipod and listen to music, a word of inspiration or anything soothing while you walk out your frustrations

#4 Create A Play List and Play Mellow Music

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When you are feeling stressed out, a great way to get your focus back is by listening to some mellow music. Music is an easy way to calm you down and help you to return back to a peaceful state of being.

More Useful Tips
Play Video Games


Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: Play Donkey Kong for Free

When you are feeling stressed, a great way to calm down and relax is to play a game. Growing up, I was fond of playing Donkey Kong. It was so fun!

You can play it to by clicking on the following link. Try testing your skills for about 30 minutes and please be sure to leave me a comment telling me what your high score is and how you feel afterward.

Peace and Blessings,
Antionette Tate

#1 Play Donkey Kong

More Useful Tips
Listen to Music


Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tips: Write a Plan of Action

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Psalms will uplift your soul. Read Psalms chapters 81-90 for a Spirit Booster!

Where Are You Headed?
Let me ask you a question, "Would you get into a car and take a trip somewhere you have never been before without carrying a map, a GPS system, or a guide to reach your location?" Well, if you do not have a detail plan of what it is that you want out of life then that is exactly what you are doing. You are living your life without direction. Not having a plan is the one of the main reason that people who want to be successful are not. They have no idea about what it is that they want to do with their life.

Get Focused
The way that you are going to stand out from the crowd is by deciding what it is that you want out of life and then you must take the necessary steps to develop a plan. Your plan has to be written down and not just in your head. When you write down your plan, you must make sure that you have a realistic objective and that you are setting obtainable goals to achieve your objective.
It is also going to be very important that when you set a realistic time to achieve your goals. So make sure that next to each of your goals, you write down the date you expect to meet your goals.

Your goals and time you expect to reach your goals are not set in stone. You should review your goals often to monitor your progress. It may be necessary for you to make some adjustments from time to time to meet your schedule. When you are writing out your goals, please make sure to keep your goals and the time you expect to achieve them realistic.

Imagine Your Success
While you are working towards you goals, spend time daily using your imagination to visualize yourself having what it is that you want. Also daily speak words of thanks in the present tense that you are meeting your objectives. When you use your imagination and speak affirmations of your success, this helps to fix your mind on what it is that you are planning to achieve. The more focused you are on your goals the clearer you will be about obtaining them

Note: It is important that you have a hard copy of your plan of action for achieving your objectives and goals and not just have it in your head.

More Useful Tips
Make a To-Do-List
Get a Plan


Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: Have a Positive Attitude

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Psalms will uplift your soul. Read Psalms chapters 71-80 for a Spirit Booster!

Have you ever noticed that some people seem to go through life and are not disturbed by life's challenges? I bet you are wondering how they are able to go through life and have joy and peace while on the other hand when other people are confronted with the same situation they complain and are unraveled.

Did you know that having a peace of mind is something that you have to work at? The difference between people who are unmoved by life's challenges and those who are moved is that people who are unmoved know the Golden Rules for having a peace of mind.


The first rule to having a peace of mind is you must have a positive attitude. Have you ever been around a negative person? Negative people are always stressed out because they are focused on the wrong in every situation. When you are focused on the wrong your emotions will reflect it. A negative person is usually angry and sad all of the time.

If you do not want to be angry and sad all of the time, you have to make a decision that you are going to be a positive person and see only the good in all people and in every situation. This takes practice but when you are focused on the good in all people and every situation, your emotional response will be calm and peaceful.

Additional Tips:
Laugh Often
Be Slow To Anger
Stay Away From Negative People


Inner Peace and Joy Tip #101: Be Happy With Yourself Every Day

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Psalms will uplift your soul. Read Psalms chapters 61-70 for a Spirit Booster!

You have probably heard this saying before, "The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting to have different results. " Well the saying about insanity holds true for happiness as well. It is insane to believe that you will achieve true happiness if you continue doing the same things which have led you to be unhappy in the first place. If you want to be happy with yourself, then you are going to have to identify and change all of the things that you are presently doing which has lead you to experience unhappy results. For starters, you can change your attitude.

Change Your Attitude
Now, what if I told you that happiness is a choice and people who are not happy with themselves have made the decision to be unhappy. Would you believe me? Well, it is the truth. In fact, every morning that you wake up you have the same opportunity as everybody else in the world when it comes to being happy and that is you get to a chance to chose to be happy or you can chose to grumble about what is going wrong in your life. When you chose to grumble about what is going wrong in your day, your past or even your present circumstances, then you can rest assured that you will experience unhappiness.

How to Have a Positive Attitude
When I was growing up, I can recall hearing a fable about a woman who was known for always having something positive to say. The saying went that you could never get this woman to find fault in anybody or say anything negative period. It became a game for people to approach this woman just to try to get her to say something negative.

Well, one day, a man approached the positive woman with the intent on getting her to say something negative. This man believed that without a doubt he had finally found the one person who the positive woman would have to say something negative about. Guess who he picked? He picked The Devil. When the man approached the woman, he said to her "What about the Devil?"

The woman who is always so positive thought about it for a moment and then she said, "Well, the Devil is always busy." The positive attitude that the woman maintained in this fable is the kind of attitude that you must have in order to be happy with yourself. True happiness lies in your ability to always find something good to focus on.

When you change your attitude from focusing on all of the negative things in life and you start focusing on all of the good things in life you will definitely see a change in your attitude. Your attitude will change from being negative and grouchy to being positive and happy.

More Useful Tips
Be Joyful
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