Daily practical tips to educate you, encourage you, uplift you and inspire you to maintain inner peace and live a life full of joy
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: Fresh Ideas
Hello Everyone,
I wanted to let you know that I am in the process of presenting to you (the reader) posts that are on a higher level. These posts are designed to inspire you, encourage you and motivate you to achieve.
Do not fret, "I am still going to post tips to help you to develop your Inner Peace. In conjunction with developing your Inner Peace you are also going to learn how to align your thoughts with higher thoughts!
Ooh there is so much that I want to share with you...I even have awesome products to help aid you in your development.
I look forward to posting a Mind Changing Post on Saturday,
Until then Be Blessed!
"Tonie" Tate
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tips: How to Stay Encouraged, Motivated and Inspired
Motivation: You Can Do It!
Have you ever wondered how some people seem to always be energetic, upbeat and motivated when it is time to get the job done? It seems like these people are able to meet deadlines no matter how big or small the project is and they do it without complaining or having any excuses why the task is not completed. Well if you want to be a part of the "I Do Not Let Nothing Stop Me From Getting The Job Done" group then there are 8 insider tips that you need to know in order to stay encouraged, motivated and inspired to do what ever needs to be done.
8 Tips to Help You Stay Encouraged, Motivated and Inspired
#1: Write Goals: If I had to give you one piece of advice about how to get motivated and stay encouraged, it would be "Write out your goals. When you write out your goals verses keeping the information stored in your head, you can actually see your list of things that need to be accomplished. Knowing what needs to be done with give you the motivation to "Get it done!"
#2: Music: Have you ever been in the dumps and when you played your favorite upbeat song your entire mood changed from being sad to being positive and upbeat. I know a lot of people who exercise to music because it helps inspire them to keep going.
#3: Read Inspirational Literature: A great way to get your day started off to an upbeat pace is to wake up a few minutes earlier than your normal routine and read a paragraph or two of inspirational literature. You can read your Bible, devotionals or an inspirational poem.
#4: Hang out with Positive People: I If you are around negative people, you will have to fight to maintain your motivation. Negative people can be draining. If you want to increase your motivation, you should hang out with people who are high strung, positive and who will inspire you to "keep going"
#5: Set goals that challenge you to grow: Make sure that you are setting goals that are challenging you to grow. If you continue to set goals that are easy for you to achieve, then you will lose your motivation because you have nothing to strive for.
#6: Take Breaks: If you are working for long periods of time and you do not take breaks, you may get drained and lose interest in what you are doing. Taking breaks will help rejuvenate your mind and your body. When your mind and body are rejuvenating you will have the energy that you need to complete what needs to be done.
#7: Break large tasks down to smaller tasks: If you have a really large task, you should break it down to smaller steps to prevent getting overwhelmed and discouraged. You will be amazed how much easier it will be to complete a large task once you divide it up into smaller parts.
#8: Read Quotes The easiest and quickest way to get inspired is to read a quote. Sometimes all you need to hear is "If I can do it, then you can do it too!" story to get you motivated to get the job done.
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tips: Get Motivated
Inspiration, Motivation and Encouragement
In life there is no guarantee that every day you are going to be happy and full of bliss. It is a fact that as long as you live, there are going to be some bumps in the road. There are also going to be some days when you wake up and you are just discouraged. The key is knowing how to recognize your signs of discouragement and then changing your focus.
On days when you are really feeling discouraged and uninspired you are going to need help to get motivated. It is a good idea to have a network o friends and family members that you can call to help encourage and inspire you. If for some reason that you call your network of friends and family members for inspiration and encouragement and no one is available you are also going to have to know how to encourage yourself.
You can seek encouragement from reading inspirational books such as the Bible or by listening to dynamic motivational speaker or you can read quotes. I like quotes because quotes are a great way to get you inspired and motivated quickly.
How To Go From Being Discouraged to Encouraged in a Few Seconds
A great way to go from being discouraged to being encouraged in a few seconds is by reading quotes. You should make sure that you carry positive and uplifting quotes with you at all times because you never know when you are going to be in a situation that challenges your mental state of peace. If you should find yourself in a discouraging situation the best way that you are going to be able to maintain your mental state of peace is by taking your focus off of what is upsetting you and returning your focus back on to peaceful thoughts.
The Positive Benefits of Being Encouraged:
When you are encouraged you are better able to:
#1:Maintain Positive Relationships:
#2:Improve Your Self-Esteem
#3:Increase Your Energy Level
#4:Maintain Your Inner Peace
#5:Improve Your Work Performances
#6: Increase Your Creativity
5 Quotes Designed to Encourage You, Inspire You, Motivate You and Uplift You !
- "Confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting as if you already had the confidence you desire to have."- Brian Tracey
- "Great minds must be ready not only to take opportunities, but to make them" -Charles Caleb Colton
- "If you refuse to accept anything but the very best, you very often get it."-William Somerset Maugham
- "He can who thinks he can, and he can't who thinks he can't"-Orison Swett Marden
- "If you can conquer the enemy within, the enemy without can do you no harm"- Author Unknown
More Useful Tips
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: Get Along With Others
How Dale Carnegie helped me to Maintain My Inner Peace
I just recently finished reading Dale Carnegie's book "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
Prior to reading "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
How to Stay Calm When You are Talking With Someone Who You Disagree With
I often lose my inner peace when I am around people who are disagreeable with my course of thoughts especially when "I know that I know". If I am talking with someone and they agree with my thought process or if I agree with theirs then it is easy for me to be at a state of calmness and and peace.
Now, the opposite occurs, when I am conversing with someone and their beliefs are different from mine. If they do not agree with my thought process then my state of calmness has been moved to a state of unrest, anger and frustration.
When I am conversing with someone and we disagree, my normal course of action is to get them to see things my way. My reasoning is..."If I can convince the person to convert to my way of thinking or just to agree upon my way of thinking, then I will return back to a state of Inner Peace."
If I am unsuccessful at winning a person over to my way of thinking then I get so upset that my head starts to hurt. I usually leave away from the person who I was conversing with vowing not to communicate with them again.
How To Get Along With Others
Types of Positive Relationships
The world is made up of relationships and unless you want to live your life as a hermit you are going to have to learn how to get along with other people. When you were born you developed a relationship with your care giver and family members, as you grew you developed a relationship with your friends, teachers, classmates, team mates. When you matured you developed a relationship with your significant other, coworkers. The point that I am making is you are constantly developing relationships with people.
The world is made up of people who are a different race, ethnicity, philosophies, theologies and world views. You may meet people who are from a different state or even a different country. You can not expect for everybody who you come in contact with to see things your way. If you are rigid in your thinking it may be very difficult for you to develop positive relationships.
How Get Along With People
You can get along with other people by:
- Listening
- Not Judging
- Giving Compliments
- Being Kind
- Sharing
- Be Open Minded
- Being acceptable of different views
Listening: A Key Factor To Building Positive Relationships
One of the best ways that you are going to be able to remain positive and keep you Inner Peace when you are building a relationship with someone is by listening without judging. I have found that most people love to talk about themselves, their adventures, their relationships, their work, their children etc.
When a person is talking.....You just need to listen. And when I say listen I do not mean listen like you really do not care what they are saying and you wish they would hush up. No, I mean listen with your eyes, your ears and your body.
When you make a person feel like what they have to say is important, then they will be more likely to want to develop a relationship with you .
Tips on How to Listen Intensely
- When you are conversing with someone make sure that you are making frequent eye contact
- You should also make sure that your body is facing the person. If you are sitting down, you can lean forward to listen better
- Make sure that your eyes are not gazing at every moving object
- Do not interrupt the person while they are talking. If you have something to say you should make sure that the person has completely finished their thought.
The Misconception about Keeping Your Mouth Shut
Many people believe that when you keep your mouth shut and you do not voice what you really believe that you are admitting that you are wrong.... That is a BIG MISCONCEPTION
When you are conversing with someone who you disagree a great way to get along with them and show them that you value what they have to offer is by listening without offering what you considered to be the "BEST POSSIBLE SOLUTION" even if you do have the best possible solution.
When you are working on building a positive relationship with someone you may have to try a different approach in order to convince the person that your way is the better choice. If the opportunity does not present itself at the time of your conversation, wait until the opportunity does present itself and until then just listen.
More Useful Tips
What is Inner Peace
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: "Happy Mother's Day"
Mother's Day a Day of Celebration
Today is Mother's Day and it is a day worth celebrating. I am looking at my Facebook home page and I see all of the people who are on my friend's list celebrating their mother. It is a beautiful thing to know how much Mother's are appreciated and loved.
Mother's Day a Day of Mourning
The holiday Mother's Day is also a day of mourning for many people who have loss their mother due to death or have loss their child. I have many friend's who require comforting on this particular day. I usually call all of the people who I know that have loss their mother recently just to check in on them.
I loss my mother when I was 16 and for many years Mother's Day served as a constant reminder that my mother was no longer here to be celebrated. As I aged, the hurt subsided and I was able to focus on my mother's life instead of focusing on her death.
Ways you Can Celebrate Your Mother If She Has Passed
- Spend time celebrating your mother's memory: Instead of focusing on your mother's passing and the loss of not having her with you try focusing on the good memories that you have about her. You can get together with other family memories and share a positive memory of your mother.
- Take a mini vacation: If you work, go to school or are around people who will be celebrating Mother's Day then you will constantly be reminded about the absence of your mother. If you are not strong enough to be around the constant reminder then you should take a mini vacation for about 3 days. The vacation will be a wonderful way just to get away from it all. When you return it should be back to business as usual because no one talks about Mother's Day after it has passed
- You can also take flowers to the grave: If you are strong enough, you can take flowers to the grave site. This can be something that you do every year to ensure that your Mom has fresh flower's on her grave.
- Surround yourself around positive people: It is not a good idea to be by yourself if you are still in the mourning stages. Make sure that you have family and friends around you to support and comfort you.
Focus on Things that Make You Smile
To ensure that you are able to maintain your inner peace during this Mother's Day holiday, it is going to be important for you to focus on things that make you smile about your Mother instead of things that make you cry.
- What are some of your most memorable memories of your Mother?
- Do people tell you that you remind them of her?
- What were some of you mom's most famous sayings?
- What was your mother's favorite song?
- Sad Music
- Tear jerker movies
When you feel yourself slipping into a state of thinking about your mom and you start to cry, try changing your thoughts back on to things that make you smile.
Mother's Day Poem: Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou
More Useful TipsPhenomenal Woman
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Maya Angelou
Take a Vacation
how to be happy,
how to focus,
mother's day
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tips: Write a Guest Post
I love posting articles written by others. Honestly, I know full well that in order for InnerPeace and Joy: Tips to Help You Maintain Inner Peace and Joy Daily to be the most helpful website that it can be, it needs perspectives other than mine! So, if you ever have an article you want to write please contact me and pass it along…
Here is a little bit about what I am looking for…
- Articles that are truly valuable to Inner Peace and Joy: Tips to Help You Maintain Your Inner Peace and Joy Daily readers.
- About any spirituality, mental health, stress management and anger management related topic (it can incorporate your faith, but doesn’t have to).
- Original content not published anywhere else
- Shoot for 600-1000 words in length
- Not self-promoting (we can use the bio-line for that)
What you will get…
- A couple sentence bio-line at the beginning of the article explaining who you are with a link back to your website.
- A lot of eyeballs reading your article and hopefully a bunch of visitors to your website as well!
A few more things…
- If your article is accepted, it may be modified for brevity or readability. Often times this may just be title changes and formatting adjustments.
- Submitting the article to social sites like Tipd, PFbuzz, Digg, Twitter, etc. is a win/win because it sends more visitors to Inner Peace and Joy: Tips to Help You Maintain Your Inner Peace and Joy Daily and increases your exposure as the guest poster.
- Also, linking to the article from your website is allowed and appreciated.
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: Eat an Elephant
Goal Setting: How to Eat an Elephant

When I was growing up, I use to get so overwhelmed when I was faced with a project that I feared was too big for me to complete. I remember my teacher asking me "What is the best way to eat an elephant?" I closed my eyes and for the life of me I could not imagine eating an elephant. To a child an elephant appears to be humongous. While my eyes were closed, my teacher softly whispered in my ear "One bite at a time".
From that point forward, I know longer feared having to face the possibility of completing a large assignment because I knew that if I could break the assignment down into smaller parts, the large assignment would seem small enough for me to complete and I would not be overwhelmed.
5 Basic Goal Setting Techniques

When you are overwhelmed by an assignment, there are 5 Steps that you can take to make your assignment more manageable. The steps are: 1) Set a goal 2) Break your goal down into smaller goals 3)Stay focused 4)Go Forward and 5) Reward your accomplishments
#1 Set a Goal
Your goal gives you something to aim for. You should make sure that you write your goal on paper and keep it where you can view it often
#2Break Your Goal Down To Smaller Goals
If you perceive your goal as being too large then you should break your big goal down into smaller goals. For example: If your goal is to lose 30 pounds. You would not try to lose 30 pounds all at once. Instead break the goal down to losing 10 pounds for three months.
#3 Stay Focused
The best way to stay focused is to set an allotted time to work on your goals as well as an allotted place. Your place should be free from distractions and noise.
#4 Go Forward
If you do not meet your mark at the time you had specified you should not give up. Instead you should start right where you are and go forward. If you keep a moving forward attitude you will stay encouraged.
#5 Reward Your Accomplishments
Do not wait until you complete your big goal before you reward yourself. You should start rewarding yourself as soon as you complete the smaller ones. You can reward yourself by cooking a special dinner, going to the movies, or just sitting back and reflecting on your accomplishments.
More Useful Tips
Gain Control Over Your Circumstances
how to set a goal,
Setting Goals,
Writing Goals
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: 31 Days of Inspirational Emails
Today, I am launching my new product "31 Days of Inspiration". I wrote 31 Days of Inspiration so that you can encourage yourself on days when you lack the motivation and inspiration that you need to keep moving forward.
Do you wake up some days and feel really energetic? On those days when you are naturally motivated you feel like you can conquer the world. Then there are those days when you wake up and it seems like you just want to throw in the towel.
On days when you need help getting motivated, you may have a friend or a family member that you can call to help encourage you. Some days you may discover that the only way to get encouraged is to motivate yourself.

When you are encouraged you are better able to:

Why Do I Need To Subscribe to "31 Days of Inspiration"?
The reason why you should subscribe to "31 Days of Inspiration" is because you never know when you are going to be in a situation that challenges your mental state of peace. If you should find yourself in such a situation, the way that you are going to be able to maintain your mental state of peace is by taking your focus off of what is upsetting you and returning your focus back on to peaceful thoughts.
The thing is....When you are experiencing a "not so great day", it may be difficult for you to immediately think of things that are positive, soothing or things that make you smile. If you have inspiring quotes on hand, it will be easy for you to just to pull out your quotes and read them. The inspiring quotes will help to :
Do you wake up some days and feel really energetic? On those days when you are naturally motivated you feel like you can conquer the world. Then there are those days when you wake up and it seems like you just want to throw in the towel.
On days when you need help getting motivated, you may have a friend or a family member that you can call to help encourage you. Some days you may discover that the only way to get encouraged is to motivate yourself.

When you are encouraged you are better able to:
- Maintain Relationships
- Improve Your Self-Esteem
- Increase Your Energy Level
- Maintain Your Inner Peace
- Improve Your Work Performances
- Increase Your Creativity

Why Do I Need To Subscribe to "31 Days of Inspiration"?
The reason why you should subscribe to "31 Days of Inspiration" is because you never know when you are going to be in a situation that challenges your mental state of peace. If you should find yourself in such a situation, the way that you are going to be able to maintain your mental state of peace is by taking your focus off of what is upsetting you and returning your focus back on to peaceful thoughts.
The thing is....When you are experiencing a "not so great day", it may be difficult for you to immediately think of things that are positive, soothing or things that make you smile. If you have inspiring quotes on hand, it will be easy for you to just to pull out your quotes and read them. The inspiring quotes will help to :
- Encourage you and return your focus back on to things that make you smile and
- Calm you down and place you back in a peaceful state of being.
The Best Way to Get Encouraged Quickly
Quotes are words of wisdom written in few words that are designed to motivate you, encourage you and inspire you if you have become stagnant or too fearful to go forward.
I wrote "31 Days of Inspirations" so that you can start each morning with an inspiring quote. When you purchase "31 Days of Inspirations", you will receive in your email Inbox one quote every day for 31 days. You can download and print your words of wisdom so that you can have them with you at all times.
These are a few examples of the emails that you will receive during your 31 Days of Inspiration:

I wrote "31 Days of Inspirations" so that you can start each morning with an inspiring quote. When you purchase "31 Days of Inspirations", you will receive in your email Inbox one quote every day for 31 days. You can download and print your words of wisdom so that you can have them with you at all times.
These are a few examples of the emails that you will receive during your 31 Days of Inspiration:
- " Everything that you need you already have.You are complete right now. You are a whole, total person, not an apprentice person on the way to someplace else. Your completeness must be understood by you and experienced in your thoughts as your own personal reality." -Wayne Dyer
- "One definition of the word forget is to disregard intentionally or to overlook. In other words, you have to choose to disregard your past so that it doesn't keep you from moving forward. That means the good and the bad. Sometimes our past victories keep us from rising higher as much as past failures. If we don't let go of the old, we'll never be able to embrace the new."- Joel Osteen
- "Life is simple but we make it complex. Not only do we collect "things" that clutter our lives, we hold onto old fears, jealousy, anger, and the inability to forgive others. If we plan to move forward, we need to leave some things behind. Emotional baggage, like regret, can weigh tons".- Monique Neely

Inner Peace and Joy: Joy Defined

When I was a student at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, we always had guest speakers who would come to our center and share their knowledge with us. One particular speaker came and shared with our class the origin of "Yo Momma" jokes and how the slaves used "Yo Momma" jokes as a survival skill to develop tolerance and keep their Joy.
Can Slaves Be Joyful?
If I could read your mind, I bet you are saying "How can slaves be happy when they were subjugated to so much abuse?" Now, I did not say that the slaves were happy in their condition, what I said was that the slaves were taught how to maintain their Joy while they were going through their tribulations.
First let me say that there is a humongous difference between being "Happy" and having "Joy". You see a person can be happy merely because things are going their way or when their surroundings are peaceful but when chaos arises in their lives they lose their happiness and are sad. That is because happiness is conditional and temporary.
On the other hand, when a person has achieved the mental state of Joy they can be cheerful no matter what is going on in their life because that person has learned how to condition their mind to be in a state of Joy. Joy is different from happiness because one is based on what is going on inside of the person's mind and the other is based on what is going on in the person's life.
How Were "Yo Momma" Jokes Used to Help the Slaves to Maintain Joy?
The "Yo Momma" jokes were created as a survival tactic by the elder male slaves to keep the young male slaves alive. The younger male slaves were being killed because they did not tolerate the abusive behaviors of the slave owners.The elder slave men got together and came up with the idea of telling "Yo Momma" jokes to prepare the younger male slaves mentally for the abusive behaviors of the slave owners. The elder slaves knew that if they could get the younger males to tolerate jokes about their mothers and laugh, then the young men would be able to mentally tolerate anything.
The Lesson To Be Learned From Telling "Yo Momma" Jokes
What the elders did was instilled inside of the younger males that the slave owners may have controlled their physical condition but they did not have control over their minds. The elders taught the younger males how to be mentally prepared to maintain their Joy.
Like the younger male slaves, your ability to maintain your mental state of Joy is going to be based on how well you are able to respond to your physical condition. You have to learn how to mentally be prepared to tolerate whatever is going on your life. This process is going to require that you train your mind to work from the inside out
More Useful Tips
Change Your Perspective
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- Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: Fresh Ideas
- Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tips: How to Stay Encour...
- Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tips: Get Motivated
- Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: Get Along With Others
- Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: "Happy Mother's Day"
- Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tips: Write a Guest Post
- Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: Eat an Elephant
- Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: 31 Days of Inspirat...
- Inner Peace and Joy: Joy Defined