Wealth Principle: Either You Control Your Money or it Will Control You - T. Harv Eker
Why so Much Emphasis on "Money?"
."What does money have to do with inner peace and joy?" I have one word "EVERYTHING!"Money is a divine tool that is used to be exchanged to get the goods and services that you need and desire in order for you to live a full and productive life.
If you do not know how to accumulate money and manage the money that you have accumulated, then you are not going to be in a position to live your best possibly life. Living your best life possible is being in a position to live in your dream home, drive your dream car, be financially independent, eat the foods of your choice, travel to your desired destination etc.
I bet you already know that Inner Peace and Joy are both mindsets but did you know that prosperity and poverty are both mindsets as well?
Prosperity is Your Divine Right!
I have been reading and studying several books on how to develop a "Prosperity Consciousness". These books include Catherine Ponder's book "The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity", Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and T. Harv Eker's book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind:Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth". Each of these books reveal that in order to start accumulating wealth you must first be open to the concept that being prosperous is your Divine Right! The principles that I am going to be sharing with you about learning how to manage your money comes from T. Harv Eker's book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth
Accumulating Money is a Mindset!
DECLARATION: Place you head on your heart and say...."I am an excellent money manager." Touch your head and say...."I have a millionaire mind."- T. Harv Eker "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth"
T. Harv Eker states that if you are programmed to earn a dollar and then spend a dollar, you will continue spending every dollar that you earn, unless you change how you are programmed. I am going to share with you three tips that T. Harv Eker offers to help you to reprogram your thinking in order to start accumulating wealth.
3 Tips To Help You To Start Managing Your Money Today
- Start Generating Passive Income: You are going to start generating passive income by creating a Financial Freedom bank account Your financial freedom bank account is your account that you are going to open and place 10 percent of every dollar that you earn after taxes in order to produce passive income for your retirement. The money that you place in your Financial Freedom account is going to be used for investment purposes only. You are not going to touch this money unless you are investing it.
- Get in The Habit of Saving: You are going to get in the habit of saving by creating a Financial Freedom Jar: Your financial freedom jar is a jar, piggy bank or container that you will have at your home. Everyday you are going to place money in your financial freedom jar.This money can be any amount even one cent. The point is that by placing money in your Financial Freedom jar daily, you will get in the habit of saving.
- Saving is Fun: You should place 10 percent of all of your income into your Play Account. Your play account should be spent at the end of each month on something fun such as going out to eat at your favorite restaurant, going to the movies or to a play. The reason that you want to create a Play account is because if you do not balance saving with play then you are going to feel like you do not have any money to do what you want to do and instead of joyfully planning for building wealth you will feel like you are being forced to do something that you do not want to do.
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