
Inner Peace and Joy: Tip #13 Three Things You Need to do to Maintain Inner Peace and Joy

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 13, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply it to your life

Having a mental state of inner peace and joy is a Gift from God but maintaining your gift requires work. Three things that you can do to maintain your mental state of peace and joy is: be focused, committed and disciplined

You must have a written plan. When you have a written plan you narrow down what it is that you want to do. Your plan is your focus. You may not know everything that you need to put together right away in order to have a full workable plan but you should start where you are at and work towards making additions and removing what is not working.

You have to commit to your plan. Make sure that you have attainable goals. Your goals should range from short term to long term. If you are not able to commit to your plan, do not abandon it! Your plan is a work in progress, you need to be flexible and make adjustments.

Discipline is very important because if you are not disciplined you can easily get distracted. When you are working your plan you have to make sacrifices and you may also have to let things, people and activities go that are not apart of your plan.

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