
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #32 : Protect Your Peace and Joy

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 1, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply it to your life

Do not let anyone take your Joy or your Peace away from you. Your Joy and your Peace are your gifts from God. You have to stand firm and do not give them away to anyone.

If you are in a relationship that is causing you stress, it is your responsibility to get counseling or take the next steps to remove yourself from the situation.

If you are on a job and your coworkers are mean or you do not see any opportunities for advancement and you are really stressed out, You have to take the necessary steps to get a better one.

These are just a couple of possible stressful situations. The point is, "You have to take charge of your life. Protecting your Joy and Peace is your responsibility. "

More Useful Tips:
How To Have Peace in Your Home
Managing Job Stress and Getting Along With Coworkers

Use Wisdom When Making Decisions

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