
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #67 : Create Your Mental Garden

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Psalms will uplift your soul. Read Psalms chapters 21- 25 for a Spirit Booster!

Whenever you find yourself getting agitated try this exercise to help you to maintain your Inner Peace.

How To Create Your Very Own Mental Garden
  1. What place or event brings you Joy? For myself, I love the beach or a nice peaceful garden.
  2. Imagine yourself being in your special place or with your loved ones.
  3. Visualize with clarity your garden. See the colors and smell the flowers.
  4. Imagine that you are walking in your garden or sitting on the bench
  5. Invite your special loved one(s) to visit you in your Garden
  6. See yourself at Peace and full of Joy while you are in your Garden
When you are in the beginning stages of learning how to maintain your Inner Peace you are going to need tools to stay centered and focused. Remember that your Inner Peace is a mental thing! A great tool that you can use to stay focused mentally is to go to your Garden.

Share With Me The Garden That You Visualize

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