
Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 65: Peel Back the Onion

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Psalms will uplift your soul. Read Psalms chapters 11-15 for a Spirit Booster!

Do You Let People Take Your Inner Peace and Joy?
"Have you ever found yourself in a situation in which you allowed a person's behavior to result in you losing your mental state of peace?" How about this one, "Have you ever dreaded going some place because you knew that once you arrived, you were going to be around people whose behaviors irked you?"

If you have, then this blog is for you! This blog post will show you how to dig deep inside of yourself and conquer any negative emotions that you have attached to certain behaviors which may be prohibiting you from maintaining your inner peace and living your life full of joy.

Figure Out the "Why"
When you find yourself around people who are really irking you, ask yourself "Which behaviors in particular are annoying you?" It is going to be important that you realize that it is not the person who is irking you, it is their behavior.

After you figure out which behaviors in other people are annoying you, the next thing you are going to need to do is ask yourself "Why are you associating negative emotions with certain behaviors?"

How I Peeled Back the Layers of My Life
For myself, I had to peel back the onion all the way back to my childhood. The behavior which annoys me the most is "disrespect." I figured out that the reason why disrespect annoys me so much is because my mother was a single parent and the community frowned upon her and her lifestyle. I grew up having to learn how to give a blind eye to negative gestures and a deaf ear to ill comments.

I thought that I had buried all of the pain that I felt when I was growing up but what was actually happening was those feelings were resurrected ever time that I came in contact with some one whom I felt like was disrespecting me.

I didn't realize it but I was actually associating my pain of being disrespected as a child with the behavior of disrespect that I felt when I came in contact with others.

Now What?
Once, I peeled back my onion, I was able to recognize my true cause of being annoyed when I was disrespected. I was able to conquer disrespect by recognizing the root and forgiving my past. Now, when I am in a
disrespectful situation it does not bother me because I no longer hold on to the feelings of my past.

You have to do the same thing and find out which feelings you are attaching to certain behaviors that are distracting you from being able to maintain your mental state of peace. This process may require that you dig deep in order to identify the root cause. The way that you are going to be able to conquer the emotions that you are associating with certain behaviors is by releasing the negative feelings. You can practice release through forgiveness.

Leave a comment and share with me the behaviors that you need to conquer.

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