
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip: 10 Characteristics of Happy People

Happy People tend to have certain characteristics in common. They all seem to smile all of the time and they all seem to have positive attitudes.

I have recorded 10 characteristics of happy people. You should use this list as a guide to see if you have the same characteristics of happy people. If you do not, then you should use this list as a guide to help you work towards being a happy person.

10 Characteristics of Happy People

1. Happy People avoid negative people
2. Happy People have positive attitudes
3. Happy People have a plan
4. Happy People don't sweat the small stuff
5. Happy People are flexible
6. Happy People see the good in everybody
7. Happy People laugh often
8. Happy People love the skin that they are in
9. Happy People take time out for themselves
10. Happy People have a relationship with their Higher Power

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