Daily practical tips to educate you, encourage you, uplift you and inspire you to maintain inner peace and live a life full of joy
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #75 : Work From the Inside Out
I have been sharing with my auntie tips and techniques that I use to maintain my Inner Peace. The other day she asked me how well was I doing with maintaining my Inner Peace. My response was that I was doing very well because I had not dealt with many tests.
Working From The Outside In
Today, I called my auntie and I told her that I realized the reason why I was doing so well with maintaining my Inner Peace was because instead of dealing with my problems directly, I was removing all of my obstacles from out of my environment.
Whenever I faced a problem, I did not deal with the problem head on. I solved my problems by getting rid of the problem itself. The reason that I am at peace most of the time is because I have no one around me who upsets me. I call this method "Working from the outside in."
Working From The Inside Out
My method of maintaining Inner Peace is backwards because all I was doing was creating a peaceful environment and that is not how Inner Peace is suppose to work. The way that Inner Peace works is that you are suppose to have Inner Peace in the midst of your storms.
It is important that you understand that your Inner peace is all about your mindset. In other words, you have to learn how to condition your mind to be in a state of peace that is unmoved by the activities that are going on around you. When you practice changing your mindset and not your circumstance you are working from the "Inside Out".
How Do You Deal With Your Problems?
More Useful Tips
Control Your Environment
Surround Yourself Around Positive People
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip # 74 : Take a Warm Bubble Bath
There is Just Something About Bubbles
One of the first things that I learned while working on my Inner Peace is that I have limited control over my outside circumstances but I have total control over how I respond to my outside circumstances.
Once I figured that out, I begin to try to find things that I could do to help me stay peaceful on the inside regardless of what was going on in my life.
My favorite tool to help me calm down after a hectic or a stressful day is to take a warm bubble bath. I also like to place candles along side the tub. If I am really feeling like treating myself I sprinkle rose pedals in the water as well.
I don't stop there! Before I get into the tub, I place my favorite soft drink beverage , which is a "Vault", in a chilled wine glass and I turn on my favorite "Oldie but Goldies" music CD. Then I relax for about a half hour.
It never fails, after I finish taking my warm bubble bath I am refocused and back to my peaceful and calm self.
How do you relax?
More Useful Tips
Laugh, Laugh and Laugh Some More
Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 73 : Pray
"Doctor Heal Yourself" is the message that I have been telling myself these last few days. You see I have been agitated and I do not know why. It may be due to the holidays but whatever the reason, maintaining my mental state of peace has been a challenge.
Steps I Have Taken To Maintain My Inner Peace
I tried focusing on my mental garden, which is the place that I created in my mind where I go for serenity. This did not work.
I tried seeing the good in every situation, counting my blessings and counting from 1 - 10 slowly, that didn't work either.
I tried exercising, removing myself from the situation and doing positive self talk and none of those methods worked.
I even tried taking a hot bath and a massage, yet I was still irritated and my mental state of peace was still disturbed.
After I tried to do everything that I knew how to do, I realized that this challenge required more of me than I was equipped to deal with on my own. I needed help from a Higher source, I needed to pray.
My Prayers
In my prayers I have been asking God to help me to stay focused on my inner peace and to keep me calm in stressful situations.
If you have been following my blogs, then you know that I offer an array of tools that you can choose from to help you calm down and maintain your inner peace.
Prayer is one of the best tools that you can use to maintain your mental state of peace because it takes the focus off of your problems and off of your limitations and it puts the focus on to someone who is able to help you.
How Does Prayer Help?
- When you pray you are not focused on what you can do to help yourself but on what God can do to help you. When you believe in a power that is Higher than you, it is a relief and it takes stress off of you.
- Prayer also allows you to communicate and let go of what is disturbing you with the hopes that you will be heard and positive changes will be made.
More Useful Tips
Create Your Mental Garden
Read Your Bible
Inner Peace Tip # 72 : See Only The Good
When you are working on maintaining your Inner Peace and living your life full of joy it is going to be important that you see only the good in every situation.
Today is Thanksgiving and my day did not start out too great mainly because I am missing my sisters. I went to work today with a slight attitude and my attitude could have remained negative all day long but I was able to recognize my emotional signals and turn my mood around.
The skill that I used to turn my negative mood around and to get centered back on my mental state of peace was to focus on what I have to be thankful for.
By the time I finished giving thanks for all of my many blessings, not only was I thankful to have a source of income I was glad to be able to be at work and share the love that God placed in me with others who are less fortunate.
The good that I was able to see in my situation was God thought enough of me to place me in the care of His youth and I am going to use this opportunity to allow God's love to beam through me.
You are in control of your emotions and you get to decide how you are going to respond in every situation. Decide beforehand that you are only going to see the good because when you focus on the good your emotional response will be positive and peaceful
How do you turn yourself around and refocus when you are in a not so favorable situation?
More Useful Tips
Change Your Attitude
Control Your Emotions
Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 71: Listen to Music
A great tip for helping you to calm down when you are agitated is listen to music.
I like to listen to the jazz station when I am riding home from work because instrumental sounds calms me down and it helps me to release and relax.
I also noticed that when I listen to loud music or music with negative lyrics, I have to work extra hard on maintaining my Inner Peace.
Exercise: Build A List of Calm Music
- Start paying attention to how the music you listen to affects your mood
- Check your mood before you begin listening, while you are listening and after you listen to the music
- Make a list of all of the music that you listen to that is calm and relaxing
- Upload those songs on your Ipod or make a CD
Whenever you are having a chaotic day or if you need to just release and relax, you can take a few minutes and listen to your "calm" music to regain your mental state of peace.
How do you calm down?
More Useful Tips
Count Slowly
Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 70: Live in the Now
A key factor in working towards maintaining your Inner Peace and living your life full of Joy is going to be how well you are able to stay focused and live in the present.
Have you ever come in contact with a person who is upset with someone else and they are venting with you about the person whom they are upset with? Normally the person whom you are talking to is crying or really angry.
When I run across this particular scenario, I normally let the person who is upset vent but if they are still upset after they vent,I ask them a very important question, "Is anybody is hurting you right now?" If the person is slow to respond, I ask them to look around and see who is in the room with right now. The expected answer is that we are the only two people who are in the room right now and nobody is hurting them, or arguing with them or causing them to be upset at this exact moment.
Once I get the person to realize that it is just me and them in the room and no one is hurting them right now, the next step is to get the person to realize that they are carrying their emotional pain in their head.
To help prove my point, I say to them "I am not experiencing any emotional pain and I am in the room with you. If it were raining, we both would experience the wet feeling of the rain drops because that is external. The reason why I am not experiencing the hurt and pain that you are experiencing is because it is internal and you are carrying those feelings over from another incident. Those emotions are occurring in your head and not in this room."
The final step is to get the person to focus on what is happening in the room right now. Usually if I can get the person to grasp hold to the concept that in the present moment they are not in danger then I can get them to focus on living in the moment. At that point they will be able to experience a calm and peaceful state of being.
More Useful Tips
Create Your Mental Garden
Count Slowly
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #69:Walk In Truth
You can maintain your Inner Peace and live your life full of Joy by doing something as simple as telling the truth.
How Does Telling A Lie Compromise Your Inner Peace?
Have you ever heard the ole saying that if you tell one lie, then you will have to tell another one to cover up the first lie? Well, this is a true statement. When you start telling lies, unless you have a great memory, you are going to have to write down your lies down and then pull them out whenever you are talking to the person in order to remember the first lie you told. Now, how ridiculous will that look!
You should get in the practice of telling the truth because when you tell the truth you are being natural. And when you are being natural you can maintain your inner peace because you do not have to worry about get all stressed out trying to figure out all the other lie was that you told.
Do You Live A Truthful Life or A False Live?
Telling the truth does not just extend to the words that come out of your mouth telling the truth also extends to how you live your life. God created each and every person to be a very special and unique creation. When you live your life trying to be somebody else or trying to be the person who someone else wants you to be you are not going to be able to maintain your Inner Peace or live your life with Joy because you are going to be out of order.
At some point in your life you are going to have to take a stand for yourself and just Be who you are regardless of who society wants you to be. When you walk in truth you are going to be able to maintain your Inner Peace because you are going to be one with yourself.
More Useful Tips
Be Yourself
Inner Peace and Joy Tip#68: Count Slowly
Have you ever been in a stressful situation and you could not leave the room. Well, I am in this situation daily. I manage a group home for at risk boys and they threaten my inner peace daily. If you have teenage children then you know that they require your attention and they have special needs that you must attend to. This can be stressful but it does not have to be once you learn how to master your stress from the inside out and not outside in.
Now when I am in a stressful situation, such as one of the boys may be verbally abusive or causing chaos, at the same time another boy may need my assistance, and to top it all off the phone is ringing. In a situation such as this, I really want to just pull my hair and run out of the house but the reality of the situation is I can not leave the boys unattended.
So, what I do is a breathing exercise. This exercise is really quick and you can do it right where you are at.
Try counting from 1-10 very slowly. As you count inhale and exhale
- 1 (deeply inhale) (slowly exhale)
- 2 (deeply inhale) (slowly exhale)
- 3 (deeply inhale) (slowly exhale)
- 4 (deeply inhale) (slowly exhale)
- 5 (deeply inhale) (slowly exhale)
- 6 (deeply inhale) (slowly exhale)
- 7 (deeply inhale) (slowly exhale)
- 8 (deeply inhale) (slowly exhale)
- 9 (deeply inhale) (slowly exhale)
- 10 (deeply inhale) (slowly exhale)
Share with me what you do to keep your inner peace when you are in a stressful situation
More Useful Tips
Know Your Triggers
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #67 : Create Your Mental Garden
Whenever you find yourself getting agitated try this exercise to help you to maintain your Inner Peace.
How To Create Your Very Own Mental Garden
- What place or event brings you Joy? For myself, I love the beach or a nice peaceful garden.
- Imagine yourself being in your special place or with your loved ones.
- Visualize with clarity your garden. See the colors and smell the flowers.
- Imagine that you are walking in your garden or sitting on the bench
- Invite your special loved one(s) to visit you in your Garden
- See yourself at Peace and full of Joy while you are in your Garden
Share With Me The Garden That You Visualize
More Useful Tips
Clear Your Mind
Seek Solitude
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #66: Be Thankful
The Reason that Gratitude is Important
As Thanksgiving nears, I want to talk about Gratitude and how it plays a major role in helping you to maintain your Inner Peace and live your life full of Joy. The reason why Gratitude is important is because the way that you are going to be able to maintain your mental state of Peace is by keeping your mind focused on peaceful thoughts.
You are going to have to train your mind to be at Peace even when things are not so peaceful. One simple thing that you can do to train your mind to remain peaceful is by being grateful and giving thanks.
Here is How it Works ...
Let's be honest, when you spend your time complaining about what is going wrong in your life, how do you feel? As for myself, I get depressed and upset when I focus on everything that is going wrong in my life. The truth is, being upset is not going to help the matter and if you are upset then you are not at peace nor are you experiencing Joy.
On the other hand when you constantly give thanks for the good things that are going on in your life, you will find that your focus will shift from off of what is going wrong in your life to what is right in your life. When your thoughts are on the "right things" you tend to respond with comfort and peace.
So when you find yourself focusing on what you do not have and what is going wrong in your life, start giving thanks and watch your emotions shift to a peaceful and calm state versus being upset or depressed.
Write me and let me know if this step is helpful
More Useful Tips
Change Your Attitude
Control Your Emotions
Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 65: Peel Back the Onion
Do You Let People Take Your Inner Peace and Joy?
"Have you ever found yourself in a situation in which you allowed a person's behavior to result in you losing your mental state of peace?" How about this one, "Have you ever dreaded going some place because you knew that once you arrived, you were going to be around people whose behaviors irked you?"
If you have, then this blog is for you! This blog post will show you how to dig deep inside of yourself and conquer any negative emotions that you have attached to certain behaviors which may be prohibiting you from maintaining your inner peace and living your life full of joy.
Figure Out the "Why"
When you find yourself around people who are really irking you, ask yourself "Which behaviors in particular are annoying you?" It is going to be important that you realize that it is not the person who is irking you, it is their behavior.
After you figure out which behaviors in other people are annoying you, the next thing you are going to need to do is ask yourself "Why are you associating negative emotions with certain behaviors?"
How I Peeled Back the Layers of My Life
For myself, I had to peel back the onion all the way back to my childhood. The behavior which annoys me the most is "disrespect." I figured out that the reason why disrespect annoys me so much is because my mother was a single parent and the community frowned upon her and her lifestyle. I grew up having to learn how to give a blind eye to negative gestures and a deaf ear to ill comments.
I thought that I had buried all of the pain that I felt when I was growing up but what was actually happening was those feelings were resurrected ever time that I came in contact with some one whom I felt like was disrespecting me.
I didn't realize it but I was actually associating my pain of being disrespected as a child with the behavior of disrespect that I felt when I came in contact with others.
Now What?
Once, I peeled back my onion, I was able to recognize my true cause of being annoyed when I was disrespected. I was able to conquer disrespect by recognizing the root and forgiving my past. Now, when I am in a disrespectful situation it does not bother me because I no longer hold on to the feelings of my past.
You have to do the same thing and find out which feelings you are attaching to certain behaviors that are distracting you from being able to maintain your mental state of peace. This process may require that you dig deep in order to identify the root cause. The way that you are going to be able to conquer the emotions that you are associating with certain behaviors is by releasing the negative feelings. You can practice release through forgiveness.
Leave a comment and share with me the behaviors that you need to conquer.
More Useful Tips
Be True To Yourself
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip #64: Claim Your Throne
Did you know that you were born to be a King or a Queen?
Yes, you were born to be a Ruler!
Your Kingdom is as far reaching as you can imagine!
The location is........
- Your Mind-
- Your Thoughts
- Ruler Up to this point, you may have been living your life based on impulses and you probably have not payed any attention to what your thoughts were when you were happy-go-lucky or when you were in a Funk.
Your Mind is your Kingdom and you have the Authority to Rule over your Thoughts.
If I could see your face, I bet I would see a look of surprise because you were expecting me to say that your Kingdom is a piece of land located at somewhere/nowhere.
Believe it or not, that's where most people miss their chance to be a Ruler because they are looking outside for their kingdom instead of looking inside of themselves.
Have you ever heard people say, "I can not wait until I see Jesus so that I can go to Heaven and have eternal peace."? The truth is , you do not have to die and go to Heaven in order to experience Peace. You can have heaven here on earth once you learn the necessary skills to maintain a mental state of peace at all times.
The thoughts that you entertain in your mind determines your emotional state of being. If you want to live in a mental state of Peace regardless of what your outside circumstances are, then you have to learn how to condition your mind to focus only on peaceful and calm thoughts.
A skill that you are going to have to learn as a Ruler is to pay attention to the thoughts that run across your mind through the course of a day. You are also going to have to learn how to distinguish the constructive thoughts from the destructive thoughts. You are going to want to keep the constructive thoughts in your kingdom and get rid of the destructive thoughts.
Types of Constructive Thoughts
Positive Thoughts
Thoughts that bring you Joy
Thoughts that are loving
Thoughts that are Kind
Types of Destructive Thoughts
Thoughts that make you depressed
Thoughts that makes you angry
Thoughts that stir hate
Thoughts that are lustful
The way that you are going to maintain a mental state of Peace is to take control of your thoughts. Many people do this through meditation but you can also accomplish the same goal by being mindful of your thoughts and practicing techniques to rid your mind of destructive thoughts and replenish your mind with constructive thoughts.
Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 63 : Control Your Environment
My Story
I started on my venture to maintain my Inner Peace about four months ago. The reason why I say "Maintain Inner Peace" and not "Get Inner Peace" is because I believe that it is God who gives the gift of Inner Peace but you have to be taught the skills on how to maintain your Inner Peace.
When you are just starting out learning how to maintain your Inner Peace, you do not have all of the skills that you are going to need to be in total control of your emotions. So in the beginning stages it will be easier for you to maintain your Inner Peace by learning how to control your environment.
How To Control Your Environment
Have you ever been to an Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) meeting? One of the steps that they teach their members is that when you are working on your recovery you have to get rid of the people, places and things that are working against your sobriety.
This same principle works for maintaining your Inner Peace.
- When you are striving towards maintaining your mental state of peace you do not need to be around people who like to stir up trouble, loud mouths, gossipers or people who have bad attitudes.
- The reason why is because your mental state of peace is going to stem from how well you are able to respond emotionally to your circumstances. If you are calm and joyful to what is going on in your life, then you are going to feel good. That "good feeling" is peace.
- If you are in a chaotic situation and you have not learned how to focus on the positive you will respond in a negative manner. That "negative feeling" leads to emotional unrest and if you are not feeling good about your situation at that moment you are not at peace.
Until you develop the skills that you need to maintain your Inner Peace regardless of what is going on around you, make things easy for yourself and have people around you whom you naturally respond to in a positive manner.
3 Things I Do To Control My Environment
1. Just because my telephone rings does not mean that I have to answer the telephone. When I look at my caller i.d. and I see that the caller is somebody who is always gloomy, I don't answer.
2. I love people from a distance-I had to let several people in my life go because their behavior resulted in me compromising my Inner Peace. This was difficult for me because some of the people were my family members and childhood friends.
3. Remove outdated contacts- I go through my cell phone contact list regularly and I remove the names of people who have nothing positive to add to my life.
You are in control of your life and it is your responsibility to take the necessary steps to ensure that you maintain your Inner Peace.
More Useful Tips
Be Joyful
Protect Your Peace
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #62: Know The 3 P's
When you are working on maintaining your Inner Peace and living a life full of joy, you are going to have to learn how to control your thoughts. Learning how to control you thoughts sounds easy but it is not an easy task. Controlling your thoughts is going to require the 3 P's
- Practice
- Patience
- Perseverance
Many thoughts run through your mind daily. I have thoughts of lust, hunger, anger, mistrust, sleepy, joy, love, entertainment, work etc.
Some of the thoughts that run through your head are healthy but other thoughts are harmful in your pursuit of maintaining your Inner Peace. It is important that you analyze the thoughts that are in your head and weed out the ones that are arbitrary to your Inner Peace.
Weeding out your negative thoughts is not a one time affair. You have to practice this process daily until you get to the root of your negative thoughts and some of your negative thoughts may be deeply rooted.
Learning how to control your thoughts is going to require a lot of patience on your part because you are doing a mental cleanse.
One way of looking at it is, it took you many years for you to develop the thoughts that you carry around with you as of date so it is going to take many years to remove those same thoughts from your mind.
After you mastered removing the negative thoughts from your mind you are still going to have to have the patience to work on filling your mind with new positive thoughts.
When you are working on maintaining your Inner Peace and living a life full of joy you are going to have to learn how to persevere even when things do not look like they are going your way.
Your mental cleanse may take several years before you see the full results and you may be tempted to give up but you have to keep going no matter how long it may take.
Remember: Maintaining your Inner Peace is not an easy task but if you keep working on cleansing your thoughts of negative thoughts and replenishing your mind with positive thoughts you will see the results of Inner Peace.
More Useful Tips:
How to Persevere
Clear Your Mind
Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 61: Make Better Choices
As you go through life, you are going to make some great choices and you are going to make some not -so- great choices. It should be no problem for you to maintain your Inner Peace when you have made great choices because you are already satisfied with the results of your choices.
The challenge is going to come when you have to be at peace with the not-so-great choices that you have made in the past.
How To Be At Peace With Bad Choices
You are where you are in life today based on the choices that you made yesterday.
Here are a few questions that you should ask yourself
1. Do you like where you are today?
2. Do you like your job?
3. Do you like you weight?
When you spend your time regretting your choices for a long period of time you are not going to be experiencing Inner Peace at that time. Here is why: Regret is a sorrowful state or a state of feeling a loss and when you regret your choices for over a long period of time that feeling of sorrow is in direct opposition to being in a calm and peaceful mental state.
The way that you are going to return to a calm and peaceful state after you have made bad choices in your life is through ACCEPTANCE. You have to accept that you have made those bad choices in the past and you have to accept that you can not go back and change the past. The great thing is you you can move forward by TAKING ACTION and making better choices starting where you are at today.
How To Make The Right Choices
1. If you do not like where you are today, what actions can you take to start the process of getting to where you want to be?
- Do you have a definitive plan of where you want to be?
- Do you have goals that you are working on daily to get to where you want to be?
- Do you have a time line that you are working towards?
2. If you do not like your job, what actions can you take to start the process of getting a better job?
- Do you need to acquire better skills?
- Do you need to update your resume? Do you need to start your own business?
- Do you need more education?
3. If you do not like your weight, what actions can you take to start the process of being healthier?
- Do you need to change your life style?
- Do you need to implement an exercise plan?
- Do you need to get educated on how to eat to live?
More Useful Tips:
Do Not Be Sorry
Do Not Worry
Blog Archive
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #75 : Work From the Insid...
- Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip # 74 : Take a Warm B...
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 73 : Pray
- Inner Peace Tip # 72 : See Only The Good
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 71: Listen to Music
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 70: Live in the Now
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #69:Walk In Truth
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip#68: Count Slowly
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #67 : Create Your Mental ...
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #66: Be Thankful
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 65: Peel Back the Onion
- Inner Peace and Joy Daily Tip #64: Claim Your Throne
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 63 : Control Your Enviro...
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #62: Know The 3 P's
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 61: Make Better Choices