Daily practical tips to educate you, encourage you, uplift you and inspire you to maintain inner peace and live a life full of joy
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #40: Be Able to Adapt to Change
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 9, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.
Much of maintaining your mental state of peace and living a life full of joy is going to be in your ability to adapt to change.
Change is CONSTANT
People change, Time change, Situations change, Circumstances change, and You will change.
There is no getting around change. You have to learn how to deal with change.
I remember when my sister had her child. My family dynamics was no longer the same. Prior to the birth of my nephew, I was considered my mothers baby. With the new addition to our family, my nephew became the new baby.
I was no longer getting all of the attention. I had to learn to adapt to my new role of auntie verses being my mother's baby.
Adapting To Your New Role
In life, you are going to be faced with several new roles. For example. You went from child, to teenager, to young adult, to adult, to elder. These are all different roles and requires that you change in order to adapt to your new responsibilities
You may be faced with the role of parent, wife or husband and the role of being divorced. Your company may be advancing technologically and you may have to adapt to the role of learning new technology verses being industrial
When you are faced with adapting to life, surround yourself with mentors and people who can guide you. Mentors are good because they have already experienced what you are going through.
More Useful Tips:
How to Persevere
Admit Your Mistakes
Make Wise Choices
Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 39: Admit Your Mistakes
Inner Peace and Joy Daily and Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 8, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply it to your life
Have you ever heard the saying "If I had it to do it over again, I would not change a thing."
Although you are not able to change the past, you can change your future. In fact, maintaining your Inner Peace and living a life full of joy depends on it.
Your Inner Peace and Joy begins when you can recognize your mistakes, repent and do things differently.
When you recognize that things are going wrong in your life, you have the choice to make changes. Inner Peace and Right living are intertwined.
Your Rights:
You have the Right to Change: Change For the Benefit of Maintaining Inner Peace and living a joyful life
Change Your Mind-If you made a decision and later on you find that the decision was made in haste or in error, change your mind
Change Your Attitude-It's never too late to change your attitude and be more positive, more kind to others and to have more compassion towards others
Change Your Relationships-If the company you keep is negative, you can change. Remove them from your life
Change Your Career- You are not obligated to spend your life in the same career, if you do not like your circumstance change it
Admitting that you have made a mistake is a crucial part in maintaining your inner peace because it lets you know that you are not stuck in a situation or condemned to your past. You can ask God, yourself and others for forgiveness for past mistakes and move on
More Useful Tips
How To Make Wise Choices
Tips For Having a Positive Attitude
Surround Yourself Around People Who Mean You Good
Inner Peace and Joy Tip# 38: Prioritize
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 7, pull out the wisdom and apply it to your life.
What helps me to maintain my mental state of peace is having order in my day. The way that I have order in my day is by starting my day off by asking God for his divine guidance.
The next thing that I do, usually while drinking coffee, is write out all the things that I need to accomplish in the course of the day.
The third thing that I do is prioritize my list based on what is the most important thing that needs to be done.
For Example:
My Spirituality is important to me, so I make time to spend with God
My Health is important to me so I make time to exercise
My Work is important to me, so I my make time to do the best job that I can
My relationship with others is important to me so I make time to share myself with others
Other Useful Tips
Making best use of your time and resources
Make a To-Do-List
How to Make a Plan of Action
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #37: Know Yourself
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 6, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.
Who Are You?
Before you can expect to experience inner peace and a lifetime of joy, you must first "Know Yourself"
Who Are You?
Some would answer this question by saying "I am a Mother, Father, Sister or Brother, I am an Executive, a School Teacher...
I do not mean your title.
Who Are You?
What are your values?
What is your character?
What do you like or dislike?
How do others view you?
Does Your lifestyle Represent Who You Say That You Are?
If you do not know who you are, then it is going to be difficult to experience inner peace because you are lost.
The way that you are going to know who you are is by spending time with yourself and getting to know "You"
More Useful Tips:
Celebrate You
Count Your Blessings
Love the Skin That You are In
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #36: Accept People For Who They Are
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Bible is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 5, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply it to your life.
Do Not Change People
A secret to inner peace and living a life full of joy is "Do Not Try To Change People." It is not unusual to meet someone and say to yourself "I can change that person".
If you try to change people, what is going to happen is that you will continually be frustrated. I am not saying that people can not change nor am I saying that you can not positively influence people. What I am saying is, if you want to maintain your inner peace, then you should not get boggled down in trying to change people rather you should "Accept People As They Are"
For example, If you meet a person and they do not have all of the virtues that you like or their character is not to your liking then you should decide right then and there if you are going to continue to keep their company or if you are going to disassociate yourself with them.
The key to your inner peace is going to be in your ability to take control over your circumstances.
More Useful Tips:
Surround Yourself With Positive People
How to Stay Positive When Dealing With Negative People
Be Slow to Anger
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #35: Persevere
More Useful Tips:
Use wise judgment
How to adapt to change
Admit Your Mistakes
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #34: Maintain a Positive Self Image
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 3, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply it to your life
Inner Peace is a mental state of being and how you view yourself is in direct correlation with your inner peace and your joy.
How do you view yourself?
1. Do you love yourself?
2. Do you have a fulfilling life?
3. Do you believe that you are beautiful?
4. Do you like your physical appearance?
5. Do you believe that you are valuable?
These are a few questions to ponder about your self image. If you are going to have inner peace and experience a life of joy you are going to have to see your self as valuable and most important you are going to have to learn how to love yourself
Tips For Developing A Positive Self-Image
Love the Skin That You Are In
Surround Yourself With People Who Love You
Celebrate You
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #33: Run Your Life Like A Business
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip : The Book of Proverbs is loaded with nuggets of wisdom. Read Proverbs 2, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply it to your life
Many people are not experiencing inner peace and joy because they do not know how to mind their own business. They are so busy minding other people's business that they are neglecting their own business.
You might say, "I do not have a business to mind" but you do. You are your business. Your peace and your joy is a part of your business.
Tips for Minding Your Business
1. Tend to Your Health-If you are not healthy then it is going to be difficult to concentrate on maintaining your inner peace and experiencing joy. Make sure that you are eating right and exercising right
2. Tend to Your Finances- If you have more money going out than you have coming in, it is going to be difficult to maintain your inner peace and experience joy because if a need arises you are not going to be prepared
3. Tend to your Relationships-If you are around negative people and people who mean you no good, it is definitely going to be a struggle maintaining your inner peace. Surround yourself around loving positive people and people who are motivators.
It is your responsibility to maintain your inner peace and joy. If you are constantly minding the goings and comings of others you will not have enough time to devote to doing what you need to do in order to run your life efficiently.
More Useful Tips:
How To Be Frugal
How To Live On A Budget
Natural Remedies For High blood Pressure
Financial Tips
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #32 : Protect Your Peace and Joy
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 1, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply it to your life
Do not let anyone take your Joy or your Peace away from you. Your Joy and your Peace are your gifts from God. You have to stand firm and do not give them away to anyone.
If you are in a relationship that is causing you stress, it is your responsibility to get counseling or take the next steps to remove yourself from the situation.
If you are on a job and your coworkers are mean or you do not see any opportunities for advancement and you are really stressed out, You have to take the necessary steps to get a better one.
These are just a couple of possible stressful situations. The point is, "You have to take charge of your life. Protecting your Joy and Peace is your responsibility. "
More Useful Tips:
How To Have Peace in Your Home
Managing Job Stress and Getting Along With Coworkers
Use Wisdom When Making Decisions
Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 31: Read Your Bible Daily
My blog posts talk about maintaining inner peace and having joy but Inner Peace and Joy are gifts from God. Prayer puts you in touch with God and reading your bible daily gives you the spiritual nourishment that you need to maintain your gift of inner peace and joy.
For those of you who are in need of spiritual discipline with reading your bible daily or for those of you who would just like an online community to read your bible with, please join me for " 31 days of reading Proverbs".
31 Days of reading Proverbs is not a place where a theological debate takes place, it is a place where people can come together and read from the Book of Proverbs and share their comments.
More Useful Tips:
31 Days of Reading Proverbs
Use wisdom when making decisions
Put God First
Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 30: Use Wisdom
Inner Peace and You Daily Mediation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 30, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply it to your life.
Wisdom is a very important part of maintaining your inner peace because when you are wise, you know that there is a time when you should respond and there is a time when you should refrain from taking action.
I have been writing and following Inner Peace and Joy tips as well as reading Proverbs daily for about 3 months. I can definitely see the positive results.
I live in metro-Atlanta and I noticed that people here have a lot of road rage. About two months ago, I was minding my own business and driving the speed limit when a lady pulled her car in the lane next to me and yelled out all sorts of vulgarities.
Without thinking clearly, I followed the lady until I caught up with her and I started screaming vulgarities back at her. We got into a screaming match and she challenged me to a fight. The decision that I made to get into a shouting match with the lady was unwise because I allowed myself to become angry and I reacted in a way that could have possibly resulted into a hazardous situation for myself and for others
A similar road rage situation occurred again today. I was cruising to work and I was doing the speed limit when a man pulled up beside me and started yelling out all sort of obscenities. Because I have been practicing maintaining a state of inner peace and joy, this time I was able to responded in wisdom and I just ignored the guy. I rationed that something has to be wrong with him if he gets that steamed up behind someone who is not going as fast as he would like them to go.
Maintaining Inner Peace is knowing what to do and what not to do and knowing when to do it and when not to do it
More Useful Information:
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #29: Love the Skin That You Are In
A very important role in maintaining inner peace and experiencing joy daily is loving WHO YOU ARE and that includes loving and accepting your figure. The truth of the matter is, there is NO PERFECT FIGURE and women bodies come in different shapes and sizes. For instance, some women are hippy, some have big breast, some have small breast, some are thin, some are big boned and some have a tiny waist. Identify what your body shape is and then do your research so that you can achieve optimal health based on your figure.
What's Your Body Shape?
1. Apple Shaped- If you have an apple shape then you are shaped like a triangle downward. You have broad shoulders , big breast and narrow hips.
2. Banana Shape-If you have a banana shape then have a straight or rectangle shape.
3. Pear Shape- If you have a pear shape then you are shaped like a spoon. You are hippy with small breast .
4. Hour Glass-If you have an hour glass shape, your hips and breast are almost of equal size and you have a small waist line.
When you are healthy, you feel good about yourself and you do not have to deal with health concerns. When you are operating at your full potential you are able to maintain your inner peace because you are able to focus clearly and make wise decisions.
More Healthy Information:
Know Yourself
Get Active
Natural remedies for controlling high blood pressure
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #28 : Make Your Home Comfortable
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Mediation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 28, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply it to your life
A part of maintaining Inner Peace and Joy is making sure that your home is peaceful, safe and comfortable. You are not going to experience inner peace and joy if you are constantly frustrated, you do not feel safe and if you want to be everywhere but home.
Here are some Helpful Tips:
#1 Take Control
The way that you are going to make your home comfortable and peaceful is " You have to just do it" You have to take control of your living environment and make a decision that you are going to take the necessary steps to have peace. Nobody is going to do it for you. Start by declaring today " I am going to have peace in my home"
#2 No Strife Your home is your habit. Your home is where you rest and spend much of your time so it makes sense to make your home peaceful. You do not want to have to come home all of the time and have to argue or clash with others. It's going to be difficult to maintain your inner peace if you are living in a house where there is no peace.
#3 Organize Your Home -If your house is cluttered and you have no system of organization, you can easily get frustrated when you are looking for something that you need and you can not find it. Do you keep misplacing your keys? Your remote control? Your important documents? If you are frustrated, then you are not experiencing inner peace. When you organize your home you make it easy to find the things that you need when you need it and you will be sure to experience inner peace because you will not get frustrated trying to locate things.
#4 Decorate your home - If your home looks gloomy and you do not have enough money to spice it up, guess again, Decorating does not have to be expensive. You can buy a few plants, add some paint, curtains and hang a few pictures. You should do whatever it takes to make sure that your home has a comfortable ambiance because if you like how your home looks you are more likely to want to be home and experience inner peace.
#5 Make your home safe : A major part of experiencing inner peace is making sure that your living environment is a safe place. You are not going to be able to experience inner peace if you are constantly concerned that someone is going to break in your home. You should take the necessary steps to safe proof your home and you should also buy homeowners or renters insurance to cover your property in case of fire, flood, theft or other losses.
More Useful Tips:
Tame Your Tongue
Surround yourself around people who mean you good
Be Slow To Anger
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #27 : Do not be Eager
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 27, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life
The way that you are going to experience inner peace and joy is by not being eager to do any thing. When you rush to do things you are more likely to make mistakes and get frustrated. When you are frustrated you disturb your inner peace and your state of joy. Here are some tips to help you plan and prepare so that you do not act in haste
10 Things You Can Do To Not Be Hasty
1. Plan your activities
2. Arrive at least 15 minutes early to to work and to your appointments
3. Do not be spontaneous or do things on impulse
4. Complete your projects and homework assignments a few days before the due date so that you can have enough time to make any corrections
5. Wait a day or two before you make a major decision
6. Do not put off for tomorrow what can be done today
7. Set your watch a few minutes ahead
8. Get Patience
9. Do not grocery shop on an empty stomach. When you are hungry you buy things just because
10. Set a schedule for doing your chores so that you do not have to hurry and get things done in a single day
More Useful Tips:
Have a Plan
Run Your Life Like a Business
Inner Peace and Joy: Tip # 26: Create a Budget
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets.Read Proverbs 26, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life
A part of experiencing inner peace and joy is having enough money saved so that when an emergency occurs you are prepared. Also you want to make sure that you have enough money saved to be able to take care of your needs and enjoy life.
Tips for Creating a Budget
1. How much money do you realistically want to save each month or year?
2. Review you monthly income statement and write out how much money you have flowing in for the month
3. Print out your bank statement for the last three months
4. Categorize your spending habits into groups (i.e bills, clothing, groceries, eating out, recreational, gas) and write out how much money you spend in each group per month
5. Compare your bank statement to your monthly income statement. Do you have more money going out than coming in?
6. If you have more money going out than you have coming in, identify all areas where you can cut back on your spending.
7. Continue to cut your spending habits until you have more money coming in than you have going out
8. Save your excess money
More Useful Tips:
Have a Plan
Get Disciplined
Inner Peace and Joy: Tip # 25 Have Fun with the Family on Labor Day
Labor Day Activities
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 25, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life#1 Print Out Pictures
During the early part of the day, you can sit down with the children and let them color various pictures of people who hold jobs. You can locate and print these pictures by going on the computer and searching for Labor Day activities for children. This will be a great opportunity to teach the children about work and work ethics.
You can use this time to talk to the children about being responsible. Teach them that if they are able to work they should. They should not seek handouts. You can explain to them that labor is important because when they get older they are going to have to work in order to pay for their bills and they are going to need to work in order to take care of themselves and their families.
You also can use the pictures as an opportunity to talk to the children about what their individual talents are. Once you get the conversation going you can discuss with them the opportunities that are available to them in the job field of their choice. It is important that you teach the children to respect all labor and all people who work because in all work there is profit.
Stress Free Activities For Children on Labor DaySunday
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #24: Laugh, Laugh and then Laugh some more
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 24, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life
You can tell a joyful person just by observing them in action. Joyful people find every opportunity to laugh at the little things in life. A part of maintaining your inner joy is laughing. Here are some suggestion:
This is something to make you Laugh
A man was being tailgated by a stressed-out woman on a busy boulevard. Suddenly, the light turned yellow just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection.
The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration, as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup.
As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer
The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up. He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.
You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping off the guy in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at him.'
I noticed the 'What Would Jesus Do bumper sticker,
the 'Choose Life' license plate holder,
the 'Follow Me to Sunday-School' bumper sticker,
and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk.
More Useful Tips:
Pay attention to your thoughts
Stay away from negative people
Smile more
Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 23: Control Your Emotions
Tip:Control Your Temper
Tip "Don't Be Wishy Washy":You should not be perceived as moody; one moment you are smiling and then the next moment people have to walk on egg shells just to keep from upsetting you. Instead people should love to see you coming because every time that they see you, they can see your inner glow and say "You are always smiling". Inner Peace starts from within, You have to decide that regardless of your outside circumstances you are still going to maintain a state of inner peace and joy.
More Useful Tips:
Smile more
Have a positive attitude
Inner Peace and Joy Tip #22: Make Your Haters Your Motivators!
Maintaining your mental state of inner peace and living a life full of joy is going to be partly based on how you deal with negative people. Let's face it, negative people are in the world and there is no getting around them . Your mental state of inner peace is going to be based on how you respond to negative people.
Hater/ By Maya Angelou
A hater is someone who is jealous and envious and spends all their time trying to make you look small so they can look tall. They are very negative people to say the least. Nothing is ever good enough!
When you make your mark, you will always attract some haters... That's why you have to be careful with whom you share your blessings and your dreams, because some folk can't handle seeing you blessed... It's dangerous to be like somebody else... If God wanted you to be like somebody else, He would have given you what He gave them! Right?
You never know what people have gone through to get what they have. The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory, but they don't know my story. If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, you can rest assured that the water bill is higher there too!
We've all got some haters among us! Some people envy you because you can: a) Have a relationship with God b) Light up a room when you walk in c) Start your own business d) Tell a man / woman to hit the curb (if he / she isn't about the right thing) e) Raise your children without both parents being in the home Haters can't stand to see you happy.Haters will never want to see you succeed. Most of our haters are people who are supposed to be on our side.
How do you handle your undercover haters? You can handle these haters by: 1. Knowing who you are & who your true friends are *(VERY IMPORTANT!!) 2.. Having a purpose to your life: Purpose does not mean having a job. You can have a job and still be unfulfilled. A purpose is having a clear sense of what God has called you to be.. Your purpose is not defined by what others think about you. 3. By remembering what you have is by divine prerogative and not human manipulation.
Fulfill your dreams! You only have one life to live...when its yourtime to leave this earth, you 'want' to be able to say, 'I've lived my life and fulfilled 'my' dreams,... Now I'm ready to go HOME! When God gives you favor, you can tell your haters, 'Don't look at me...Look at Who is in charge of me...'
Maya Angelou
More Useful Tips:
Have a positive attitude
Stay away from negative people
Inner Peace and Joy: Tip #21 Count Your Blessings
If you are feeling the effects of today's economy (downsized job, financial crunch, foreclosed home) you can easily start to focus on everything that is going wrong in the world and in your life instead of things that are going right.
Count Your Blessings
More Useful Tips:
Read Your Bible Daily
Surround Yourself Around People Who Mean You Good
Inner Peace and Joy : Tip # 20 Tame Your Tongue
Inner Peace starts with knowing "how to be peaceful". You can practice being peaceful by using restraint with your words. Here are some helpful tipsTips For Taming Your Tongue
#1 Do not say the first thing that comes to your mind#2 Think before you speak
#3 You will get your point across better if you speak nicely verses giving people a tongue lashing
#4 Speak to people the way that you want to be spoke to
#5 Respect other people's opinion
#6 If you do not have anything nice to say, do not say anything at all
#7 Do not use profanity to get your point across
# 8 Keep it positive
#9 Do not make promises that you can not keep
#10 Once you open your mouth to speak, people can tell how intelligent you are. If you do not know what you are talking about, do not say anything
Replace Negative Thoughts With Positive Actions
Inner Peace and Joy: Tip # 19 Get Active
Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation: the Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 19, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply it to your life
Walking is a great way to relax and reduce stress. And walking is free!
Get Active and Make Walking Enjoyable!
-Upload your favorite songs to your Mp3 player and walk and listen to music
-Listen to the news, your favorite speakers or sermons while you walk
- Use your walking time as prayer time. Walk and talk with God
- Meet with your friends on the track and catch up
-Have your next business meeting while you are walking instead of over lunch
More Useful Tips:
Maintain a Positive Self-Image
Love the skin that you are in
Exercise Helps to lower high blood pressure
Blog Archive
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #40: Be Able to Adapt to ...
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 39: Admit Your Mistakes
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip# 38: Prioritize
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #37: Know Yourself
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #36: Accept People For Who...
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #35: Persevere
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #34: Maintain a Positive S...
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #33: Run Your Life Like A ...
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #32 : Protect Your Peace a...
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 31: Read Your Bible Daily
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 30: Use Wisdom
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #29: Love the Skin That Yo...
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #28 : Make Your Home Comfo...
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #27 : Do not be Eager
- Inner Peace and Joy: Tip # 26: Create a Budget
- Inner Peace and Joy: Tip # 25 Have Fun with the Fa...
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #24: Laugh, Laugh and then...
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 23: Control Your Emotions
- Inner Peace and Joy Tip #22: Make Your Haters Your...
- Inner Peace and Joy: Tip #21 Count Your Blessings
- Inner Peace and Joy : Tip # 20 Tame Your Tongue
- Inner Peace and Joy: Tip # 19 Get Active