
Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 60: Learn From Life's Lessons

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 29, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

How to Recognize Your Life's Lessons:
Imagine that you are taking a trip and while you were driving you kept seeing the same sign. What would you do? The first thing that I would do is say " I am traveling in a circle." And then I would pull over and re-evaluate my course of travel.

Your Inner Peace tip today is "Once you realize that you are going in a circle, stop and re-evaluate your course of action and then make the necessary changes."

Here is what I mean
Your Inner Peace is a mental state of being and when you are working on maintaining your Inner Peace you are going to have to recognize what triggers you to become upset. If you keep letting the same things get you upset and you never do anything about it, you are not going to be able to maintain your Inner Peace.

Learn to recognize what threatens your Inner Peace
I started paying attention to what upsets me and I noticed that these particular things get to me every time. What threatens your Inner Peace?

A Few Things that threaten my Inner Peace are:
1. Negative People
2. People who I feel are trying to take advantage of me
3. Not having enough time in a day

How to Respond Calmly to Your Triggers
When I am faced in one of my trigger situations, my natural response is to get upset. When I get upset, I like to go back and forth with people trying to make them see that my way is the right way or I may use a few choice words if you know what I mean. What I had to realize is, if I am upset then I am not living in a state of Inner Peace.

So here is what I do....

The way that I deal with these triggers is, I practice how to respond in a peaceful manner.

Here is what I mean:
1. When I am around negative people, I do not allow their comments to get the better of me. I often times remove myself from around them and if I am not able to do that then I focus on the "God" in them and not the negative points. When I focus on the good in them and not the negative then I am returned to my Inner state of Peace.

2. When I am dealing with people who I believe are trying to take advantage of me, I remove myself from their presence. If it is a family member or a close acquaintance then the way that I respond is that I give them what I can to help them but I do not allow them to continue to take from me. When I take this measure, I am back in control of my Inner state of Peace because they are not taking from me, I am giving what I want them to have.

3. When I feel rushed what I do to maintain my Inner state of Peace is, I do all that I can in the course of the day and I except that. I also make a list of all the things that I need to do in a course of a day. My to-do-list helps me to be efficient by getting the most out of the day. When I except that I did all that I can do in a course of a day, I am back to being at a state of Inner Peace

Key Point
When you are maintaining your Inner Peace, you may not always have control over your circumstances but you will always have control over how you respond to your circumstances.

Your life's lessons are going to be learning how to master your emotions. The way that you master your emotions is by learning what triggers you to respond in a negative manner and then practicing how to respond in a peaceful manner every time that you are faced in a trigger situation.

If you keep practicing, you will master your emotions!

More Useful Tips:
Practice to Maintain Your Inner Peace
Three Kinds of People
Control Your Emotions


Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 59: Dress Your Best

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 28, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

Maintaining your Inner Peace is going to be a life time goal but there are several things that you can do daily in order to see immediate effects. One of those things is to dress in your best clothes

Here is what I mean
Your Inner Peace and your Self-Image are going to go hand in hand. When you feel good about yourself that means that you are at peace within yourself. Your outer peace is going to be a reflection of your inner peace.

My Change
Prior to taking pride in my appearance, I would just throw on anything and head out the door. I would only put on my "good clothes" to go somewhere special. My " I do not care" attitude was a reflection of what I was feeling about myself on the inside at that time.

I now have a new and improve attitude since I have been taking steps to maintain my inner peace. My new attitude is I am a valuable individual and "I care" about my inner and outer appearance.

Here is something that you can do Today
Value every day as the most important day of your life. Instead of waiting to put on that outfit that you have been saving for a special occasion you should put it on today because "today" is that special occasion.

Also, if you have a limited supply of money you can do what I have been doing to improve my wardrobe and that is every time that I get paid, I buy an item of clothing. This is a slow process but you will definitely see positive results.

After you start taking the necessary steps to maintain your inner peace you will start to see that your true wealth is flowing from the inside out. Once you tap into your inner peace the changes that you have been wanting to make in your physical appearance will come more easily to you.

More Useful Tips:
Positive Self-Image
Play the Hand That Life Has Dealt You Like a Winner


Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 58 : Eat Breakfast

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 27, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

You can do simple things in order to help you to maintain your inner peace like eating breakfast. You may ask, what does eating breakfast have to do with maintaining your inner peace?

Let me tell you...

When I do not eat breakfast, I am easily agitated.
When I do not eat breakfast, I do not move as quickly as I normally would.
When I do not east breakfast, I am not as alert.
How about you? Do you see a difference in your self when you do not eat breakfast?

Eating breakfast will help you to maintain your inner peace because when you have a full stomach your mind will be clearer and you will better be able to focus.

If your stomach is grumbling, if you are hungry or if you do not know where your next meal is coming from then you are going to be more concerned with eating than with being on guard to maintain your inner peace.

In order to maintain your inner peace and meet the challenges that you are going to face, you are going to need to be alert and focused on the task at hand

More Useful Tips
Love the Skin That You Are In


Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 57: Practice to Maintain Your Inner Peace

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 26, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

It is easy to have Inner Peace when everything is going well, but what about when it is not?

It is easy to have Inner Peace when your marriage is going good, but what about when there is talk of separation?

It is easy to have Inner Peace when all of your bills are paid, but what about when you do not have a dime and the bill collector is knocking on your door?

It is easy to have Inner Peace when your children are doing well and are college bound but what about when they are out in the streets and you can not find them?

When your Inner Peace is challenged, how do you respond?

I am not always in a positive space when my Inner Peace is challenged but I am working on it. What I have learned is that the way that you are going to maintain your Inner Peace is to be in a Peaceful state of mind. When your peace is challenged you are going to have to practice returning your mind back to peaceful thoughts.

The best peaceful thoughts are thoughts about God. When you see God as God who is in control, then all you have to do is practice sitting back and keeping your mind peaceful.

More Useful Tips
Change Your Attitude


Inner Peace and Joy Tip #56: Be True to Yourself

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 25, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

A key to maintaining your inner peace and living a life full of joy is "Being True To Yourself." You can not be a fictitious person and maintain your Inner Peace.

Let Me Explain...

Case Scenario :Fake it Until You Make It
If you are pretending to be wealthy and you are not, how do you expect to have inner peace? How can expect to maintain a mental state of peace if you are living in a house or driving a car that you can not afford? How can you expect to maintain your inner peace if you never let people see the "Real You"?

When you are living a pretentious life, your inner peace is going to constantly be threatened because of the stress that you are going to face with ducking bill collectors, trying to keep up with the Jones and constantly telling lies to keep up your false image.

3 Tips on How to be True to Yourself

#1 Tell The Truth
When you are working on maintaining your Inner Peace, you should let people see the Real You. You should not be a "Great Pretender. My grandmother said it is easier to tell the truth than to tell a lie because when you tell a lie you have to work at remembering the last lie that you told so that you do not get caught up in your story telling.

#2 Know Yourself
In order to be true to yourself, you first must know Who You Are and that is going to require spending a lot of time with yourself. For starters, ask yourself questions like: "What are my likes and dislikes?

#3 Love Yourself
If you do not have a peace about who you are then it is going to be difficult for you to maintain your inner peace because you are forever going to be looking outside of yourself for the peace that is already inside of you.

Being true to yourself does not mean that you should not work on improving yourself and your circumstances rather being true to yourself is loving yourself and seeing yourself as valuable today. You have to believe that who you are makes a difference in the world and in the lives of others.

More Useful Tips
Know Yourself
Love the skin that you are in
Celebrate You


Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 55: Honest Work

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 24, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

"You can have what ever you want if you just plan and work for it!"
Have you ever seen something that you wanted and just day dreamed about having it? You may have even said something like "Boy, I wish I had that..." If you continue to dwell on wanting to possess that particular thing, you will eventually start to feel deprived and that feeling of deprivation will keep you from maintaining your inner peace. What if I told you, you can have what you want if you just work for it.

Honest Work vs. Dishonest Work
When you do honest work to get what you want, it gives you a sense of accomplishment and you feel good about yourself. You can look at your possessions and say I earned these things with the fruit of my labor.

When you get what you want by conniving, cheating and stealing from people, you are not going to have inner peace because your ways are dishonest.

Here is How it Works
Your thoughts are going to be equivalent to you actions so if you have right thoughts you will take right actions. If you follow this formula, when you do the right thing, you will have inner peace. The opposite works if you are dishonest. If you are constantly entertaining thoughts about how you are going to do people wrong, you can not expect to have inner peace because your thoughts are disturbing.

When you work and take right actions you can have inner peace because you are not doing anything wrong to get what you want.


Inner Peace and Joy Tip #54 : Clear Your Mind

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 23, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

Be in the World but not of the World
When you are maintaining your Inner Peace you need to keep a clear, focused head. You should not be distracted by what is going on around you. The reason why you want to keep a clear head is because if you are easily distracted by watching television all day and night long, talking on the telephone all day and night long, working all day and night long then your head will be filled with the voices of the personalities on the t.v and the people who you converse with. If you are always preoccupied then you will not have enough time to hear what your Higher Self is saying to you.

How to Have a Clear Mind .
I believe that it is your Higher Self who gives you the gift of Inner Peace and it is your Higher Self who will maintain your Inner Peace for you but you have to be able to hear your Higher Self as He/She is speaking to you and guiding you.

Simply put, the way that you are going to have a clear mind is by making quiet time to hear your Higher Self.

This works for me: The way that I make time to hear my Higher Self is when I am walking. I walk for about an hour on most days and while I am exercising, I pray, listen and talk to God.

What Works For You?
You have to find out what works for you and do it. Operating with a clear head is going to make the difference in maintaining your Inner Peace.

More Useful Tips
Seek Solitude
Peace Be Still


Inner Peace and Joy Tip #53: Child- like Faith

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 22, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

One of the main tools that you are going to have to have when you are working on maintaining your Inner Peace and living a life full of Joy is "FAITH"

What is Faith?
Do you remember when you were a child and not being concerned about how the bills were going to be paid because you knew that your parents were going to take care of you. You never once doubted that because you were not on your best behavior on a particular day that you were going to be outside, hungry or without clothes based on your behaviors. You believed that you were going to be provided for regardless of your behavior because your parents loved you and they would provide your basic needs.

That sense of security that you felt when you were a child is "Faith." Faith is a belief that your basic needs are going to be provided for you by a Higher Power who loves and cares for you no matter what.

Faith and Inner Peace
My faith is in God, I believe that God is in control of my life and no matter what God is working out things for my good. How faith works with Inner Peace is that your faith in a Higher Power who is going to provide for you no matter what is going to bring you a sense of inner peace when you are faced and working through your challenges.


Inner Peace And Joy Tip #52: Change Your Attitude

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 21, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

Your attitude is going to play an important role in how you maintain your inner peace. The following Power Point Presentation lists 6 simple things that you can do to change your attitude and get the positive results that you desire in order to maintain your inner peace and live a life full of joy.

More Useful Tips:
Have a Positive Attitude
Stay away from Negative People


Inner Peace and Joy Tip #51: Fix the Problem

The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 20, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

Maintaining your Inner Peace and Joy is going to require that you go back in your past and fix all of the issues that you are dealing with that are preventing you from living in a state of inner peace and joy.

For myself, I had to deal with the issue of not having a father. The problem that I had to fix was my aloft relationship with men because of my absent father. Over the years, I developed a negative view of my father and that grew into a negative view of men. This negative view has built up over many years and as a result, I never really had a lasting relationship.

I knew that if I wanted to have a lasting relationship, I was going to have to change my views. I made up my mind that I wanted to live a peaceful and joyful life and I that I could not have peace in my life as long as I was holding on to negative emotions.

Forgiveness played a major role in me fixing my problem of dealing with my absent father because when you forgive you freely give up all negative emotions that you have attached to a person, place or thing and you then make room for positive, joyful emotions that you desire.

I had to forgive my absent father, my mother for whatever role that I thought that she played in my father being absent and even God. I also had to forgive myself.

What Problems From Your Past Do You Need To Fix ?
The changes that I have seen in my life were not dramatic they were very gradual. Working on maintaining your Inner Peace and Joy is not an over night thing. It is going to require patience, persistence and perseverance.

More Useful Tips
Admit Your Mistakes
Don't be Sorry


Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 50: Seek Solitude

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 19, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

I was watching a movie last night about a man living alone in the wilderness in the middle of nowhere. As I watched the movie, I silently thought to myself, what would make a person want to live in the middle of nowhere by themselves.

I reasoned maybe a tragedy? An outlaw? A hermit? Then it occurred to me........

What the wilderness has that society does not is Solitude. When you are alone in the wilderness there is a sense of Peace. Solitude is a necessary component to maintaining your Inner Peace.

Now I am not suggesting that you should take the extreme and live in solitude all by yourself, but you do need to find a quiet place for about an hour every day just to hear your Inner Self speak. Your place of solitude may be waking up early in the mornings when everyone else is still asleep and meditating or just sitting quiet.
It could also be your bathroom or as simple as shutting your office door while you are on lunch and turning off your cell phone. Whatever works for you.

When you are in solitude, the only person you have to deal with is yourself. You will be surprised how many of the answers to your problems will be answered by your Higher Self,when you take the time to seek solitude and listen.

More Useful Tips:
Peace Be Still
Know Yourself
Pay Attention To Your Thoughts


Inner Peace and Joy Tip #49: Be Joyful

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 18, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to you life.

It Is Easy To Be Happy When Everything Is Going Well...
I was meditating on the thought that "it is easy to be happy when everything is going well but what about when things are not?

When I am full, I am plenty happy but when I am hungry it is a different story.

When I am comfortable with my weight, then I am happy but when I am overweight I look in the mirror and I do not like the person that I see.

When my money is alright, then so am I but when my money is funny there is nothing to laugh about.

When I am in a loving relationship, the world is mine but when I am single my world has fallen.

Do you get the point that I am making?

Joy vs. Happiness

There is a difference between being Happy and having Joy. Happiness is temporal and it is based on emotions, conditions and circumstances whereas Joy is a mental state of being.

You can have a joyful life once you make up your mind that you are going to be joyful regardless of what is going on in your life. After you make up your mind then you have to work at maintaining your Joy.

I had a conversation with a teenaged girl and during the course of our conversation she said to me "I love myself."

The next thing that she did was showed me the flap under her arms and then she shook each of her arms until the flap waved back and forth in the air.

She then said, I know that I am fat but I still love myself. I just need to lose weight.

Lesson Learned
I learned a valuable lesson from a teenaged girl. The lesson that I learned is that despite it all, I am going to have joy.

My joy is based on my attitude and not on if things are going good or bad.

My joy is based on my attitude and it is not conditioned on if I am full of if I am hungry.

My joy is based on my attitude and it has nothing to do with my weight. I am joyful when my weight is normal and when I am under or over weight.

My joy is based on my attitude and not on the amount of money that I have or do not have.

I am joyful when I am in a relationship and I am joyful when I am not because my joy is not something that is based on my relationship status.

Do you get the picture?

More Useful Tips:
Control Your Emotions
Be Slow To Anger
Pay Attention To Your Thoughts


Inner Peace and Joy Tip #48: Three Kinds of People

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 17, Pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

It is important to remember that your journey for Inner Peace is not every person in the world's journey. In your life time, you are going to discover that there are 3 different types of people: 1) People who will help you 2) People who are neutral and 3) People who are against you. One of the keys to maintaining your Inner Peace is being able to recognize each type of person and knowing how to respond to them appropriately.
#1 The Person Who Will Help You
The person who will help you achieve your journey of inner peace is usually the person who is on the same path or the person who has mastered Inner Peace and wants to help you get to where they are. These people are usually always calm, joyful, positive, encouraging and they are motivators.

#2 The Person Who is Neutral
The person who is neutral may or may not be on the same journey that you are on for Inner Peace. Their character and behaviors may even be oppositional to what you believe in but they will not try to impose their beliefs on you neither will they try to turn you against what you believe in. They pretty much mind their own business and they stay out of your way.

#3 The Person Who is Against You
The person who is against you is usually characterized by their bitterness and negative attitude. They will see a bright light in you and their sole purpose is to do everything that they can to try and put out your bright light.

It is easy to deal with people who are for you and people who are neutral when you are maintaining your Inner Peace because one is trying to help you and the other is staying out of your way. The challenge is going to be when you are dealing with people who are against you. The key to dealing with people who are against you is.,"You can not let them pull you out of your character."
More Useful Tips:
Control Your Emotions
Have a Positive Attitude


Inner Peace and Joy Tip #47: Love Your Enemies

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 16, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

I work at a group home for high risk adolescent boys and you would think that the boys would be a threat to my inner peace but they are not. It is my coworker who always seems to find fault with my work.

Well, at a meeting, I lost my temper and told my coworker how I felt about her always falsely accusing me of things. I left the meeting thinking "I am not going to speak to her again."

After meditating on my behavior, I knew that I had to change my attitude. For starters we work together and we have to communicate for the benefit of the adolescent boys.

Love Your Enemies
If I go to work and I give my coworker the cold shoulder, at that moment I am experiencing negative emotions. If I am entertaining negative emotions then I am not experiencing inner peace.

The reason why you should love your enemies is because love is a positive emotion and when you show unconditional love towards someone you are detached from negative behaviors. If you are entertaining positive emotions then at that moment you will be experiencing inner peace.

More Useful Tips:
Hold Your Peace
Tame Your Tongue
Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Actions


Inner Peace and Joy Tip# 46 : Hold Your Peace

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 15, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

Tips for holding your peace:

Believe it or not, just because someone asks you a question does not mean that you have to give an answer. Instead you can just hold your peace.

Examples of "Holding Your Peace"
#1 If you are having a discussion with your spouse and they ask you for your opinion and you already know that if you voice your opinion it will cause an argument, it is best for you to "hold your peace." When you hold your peace in this situation, you are showing wisdom because you are keeping the peace. You can always come back another time and voice your opinion when you know that you comment is going to evoke a calm response from your spouse.

#2 If you are conversing with someone and they do not agree with what you are saying. Rather than getting into a debate with the person, just "hold your peace. " Remember, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and just because you do not agree with someone does not make that person wrong. What makes the situation right, is that you used wisdom by holding your peace and not being drawn into a debate.

#3 If you are at work and you do not agree with an assignment or if you are not getting along with a coworker, before you get your feathers ruffled "hold your peace." You can always come back after lunch or maybe the next day and voice your concerns when you are calm.

The way that you are going to maintain your inner peace and live a life full of joy is by knowing when it is the best time for you to speak. Make sure that you are using your voice to add joy to the lives of others. If you are not adding joy to the lives of others, then you should use wisdom and discipline and refrain from speaking by holding your peace.

More Useful Tips:
Use Wise Judgment
Tame Your Tongue

Inner Peace and Joy Tip #45 : Self-Control

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 14, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

Self-Control is going to be key for maintaining your mental state of peace and living a life full of joy because when you have self-control you are able to decide in advance that you are going to have positive thoughts, positive emotions and positive actions regardless of your circumstances.

In order to have self-control you must use wisdom and be disciplined. A wise person has foresight and is able to weigh out the results of their actions beforehand.
If I do this then this will happen and If I take this course then this will happen.

When you are disciplined you are able to refrain from acting on impulse and you are also able to control your emotions and actions. A disciplined person does not get angry when they are in a trigger situation nor do respond negative when in a negative situation. They are prepared to respond with love in all situations.

More Useful Tips:
Control Your Emotions
Be Slow To Anger
Know Your Triggers


Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 44: The Serenity Prayer

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 13, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

Today's Inner Peace and Joy Tip is: Recite the Serenity Prayer and apply it to your life

by Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)

God, give us grace to accept with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the next.


More Useful Tips:

Adapt to Change

Read your Bible daily

Use Wisdom


Inner Peace and Joy Tip #43: Peace Be Still

Inner Peace and Joy Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 12, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life

A major part of maintaining your inner peace and living a life full of joy is being able to be still and not be in a rush to make decisions.

Millions of thoughts may run through your head each day and you may be tempted to act out on most of them, however; you must learn how to be still, quiet the thoughts in your head and act only on the thoughts that are according to your plan.

In order to implement your plan, you should write out how you want your day, month and year to go and began living your life according to your plan. Ultimately your Plan is to do God's will so make sure that you pray and ask God to bless your plans and pray that your plans are in God's will.

More Useful Tips:
How to Control Your Emotions
Do not be Eager
How to write a Plan


Inner Peace and Joy Tip # 42: Don't Take it Personal

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip: The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 11, pull out the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

Your Inner Peace and life full of Joy is going to be based on how well you are able to respond to people. Let's face it, the world is full of people and you are going to have to deal with them in some manner or another.

When you come across a person who is negative, do not take it personal! Instead of feeding back into their negativity you can just shrug it off and say "They must be having a bad day, but I am having a wonderful day!"

When you come across a person who is rude, do not take it personal! Their rudeness is not because of something you did, or even who you are. Their rudeness is based on who they are. Instead of responding in a negative manner, just shrug it off and say "God, I hope that their day improves!"

Remember, just because you have decided to maintain your mental state of peace and live a life full of joy does not mean that everybody has made the same decision or are even happy that you have made that choice.

You may find that many people will see that you are peaceful and joyful and they will set out to try to destroy your peace and your joy. You have to stand firm and recognize what they are attempting to do and do not take it personal.

If you take it personal, you will be holding on to hurtful thoughts and emotions and it will counter act your inner peace and your joy

More Useful Tips:
Use Wisdom
Control Your Emotions
Have a Positive Attitude


Inner Peace and Joy Tip #41: Use Wise Judgment

Inner Peace and Joy Daily Meditation Tip : The Book of Proverbs is loaded with wisdom nuggets. Read Proverbs 10, pull out all of the wisdom nuggets and apply them to your life.

Maintaining your inner peace and living a life full of joy is going to be based on the decisions that you make. In fact, you are where you are today based on the decisions that you made in the past. If you want to have a different mental state then you are going to have to do things different.

You Must Be Able To Make Wise Decisions
The way that you are going to make wise decisions is by using wise judgment. Before you make a decision, know all of the facts and the consequences of your decisions. Will it be in your best interest to do the thing that you are pondering? Once you know the answer, you have to stand firm and do what is right.

Every Action has a Re-action
Every action that you take, every word that you speak and even your thoughts have a reaction. Once, you know this, then you have to work on making sure that your actions are going to produce a reaction that benefits you. Before you make decision, ask yourself "What are the results of your decisions? Who all will be effected? Will the results be productive or counter productive?"

If you want to maintain your inner peace and live a life full of joy you are going to have to make wise choices and you are going to need to weigh your decisions to make sure that the end results will be constructive and not detrimental to your progress.

More Useful Tips
Use Wisdom
Don't Be Eager
Put God First
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